YDI32B ... Why die to be. Y-Di3-2-b... It speaks the truth of old vw! Why die!
maybe if your into numerology or something equally weird.....
i seen plenty better ones that were just flukes like USA xxx, UFO xxx, UNO xxx, FAT xxx, GTX xxx. etc
i like the one i saw in Oxford St Bulimba a while ago
65 LUT
sick-slut :-)
Today I was driving behind an old P-plate Hilux with the number plate SEX-040. I bet his mates at school have a good chuckle at the sex-machine!
YDI32B... very confusing
And then you get custom ones with are complete gibberish eg. hgj65hj
dumb asses spends 100s for crap plate that means nothing to anybody.
My first car had plates AHH 69S!!!! complete fluke. just asked for the next set they had.
Saw this beauty recently - nice Classy plate for an X5
I think its funny... Probably cause I'm immature and find stupid sh*t funny...
hahah good one
perfect plate for me
A guy at work got a new Corolla for his wife, It had ZIT *** plates and his wife made him change them because she did not want ZIT.
my mate had a number plate on his comodoore SLO123
i had UDL 069 for a while. the power of sugestion never worked thou!
Best plates I saw - 700TH
owned by a dentist in brisbane .
Do you get it ??
Well I'm a huge Cold Chisel fan
My plates cost me $425-bargain
cheers TC
Here's my plates
Topcat... Tops
My S. I. L. bought a new Golf, number plate BEV*** her name is Beverly, pure coincidence, sales person couldn't believe it at delivery time.
plates on my buggy are BUG33Y bloke I bought it off reckons thats just the plates he was given when he went in to register it, I reckon he's full of
it. Another set I have seen (way back in the early 70's) was GT327, they were on an old MG, bloke knocked back heaps of big offers for them from
Munro owners, I'd bet they are on a Munro by now though.
One of the best custom plates I ever saw was TIHZHO
Let's see how long it takes people to work that out
'There's a Merc down our way with 'THANKS' plates.
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Mine aren't funny, just car related.
BEA713 (BEATLE) deliberate mispelling of Beetle/Beatles reference as I am a big fan and my nickname at work is Beatle.
& 48UGG (A BUGG)
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theres a 911 porsche getting around with O8RUT plates... another rear view mirror plate
It's funny some people spend a fortune on some of these number plates and 95% of the general public probably don't even get what they supposedly mean without asking.
Saw an R1 once with ORGANDNR plates....
my 1968 bug
big motor
one off fee back in ze day.
I knew a guy with eld00d which was doodle in a mirror.
I tried getting URABUS for our Baja bay with the subie six in it , which is Subaru spelt backwards and obviosley would suit the ride
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