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word of worning
clyve - October 21st, 2013 at 07:09 PM

hello all, just a word that may save some people some money. a friend of mine wanted a speaker put in a type 1 dash and didn't want to hassle mates so went to a well know local (sunshine coast Maroochydore) car stereo shop to ask.
was amazed to hear that he quoted a 18tyr old girl $320 to fit plus the speaker.
when quizzed he said he had to take the whole dash out! so friend fitted for nothing but really? all is good in he end

bugmaniaar - October 21st, 2013 at 08:56 PM

Parasites :no:

vwvic - October 21st, 2013 at 09:27 PM

The probably didn't want to do the job. You'll find when you take an older car into places like that they won't want to work on it cos they are a lot more difficult than newer cars. They'll just quote a ridiculous price to get get rid of you, if you go with the high quote then they'll be happy to do a job they don't want to do.

vlad01 - October 21st, 2013 at 09:50 PM

a lot more difficult?

have you not tried working on a more modern car dash or interior? Some are down right impossible without factory tools to remove the various 10 odd bits before you can even see the speakers.

the older cars are a piece of piss and there is also speakers to suit even vintage cars these days for not much more than good set of standard of the self. They may have to order them is but the job is easy as pie.

vwvic - October 22nd, 2013 at 09:09 PM

Originally posted by vlad01
a lot more difficult?

have you not tried working on a more modern car dash or interior? Some are down right impossible without factory tools to remove the various 10 odd bits before you can even see the speakers.

I'm actually a stereo fitter. So I've done a few. lol
Yeah I agree new cars are a lot more complex to pull apart but older cars were not desingned for modern stereos, nothing fits and they are a lot more likely to break and have electrical issues.
I'm not one to shy away from older cars, I'll put in the extra time to hide all the new stuff away, keep it looking stock and make it sound good.

68AutoBug - October 23rd, 2013 at 02:21 PM

Originally posted by clyve
hello all, just a word that may save some people some money. a friend of mine wanted a speaker put in a type 1 dash and didn't want to hassle mates so went to a well know local (sunshine coast Maroochydore) car stereo shop to ask.
was amazed to hear that he quoted a 18tyr old girl $320 to fit plus the speaker.
when quizzed he said he had to take the whole dash out! so friend fitted for nothing but really? all is good in he end

If You had the correct sized speaker for behind the dash of metal dash beetles, its two minute job...
but its easy to get behind the dash of a metal dashed beetle
just open the boot.. .lol..

I see now that it was quoted to a girl....
they usually charge $500+ for an oil change too...
these businesses prey on woman of any age....