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VW Spare Parts Business Model
landfall - February 14th, 2015 at 12:34 PM

Finally figured out the business model for VW parts suppliers.

Get the best IT web master you can afford.

Put up an outstanding web site offering a wide variety of VW parts.

Carry no stock, offer poor service and hope there are enough newbies out there who will just hang in there hoping to eventually receive some form of either parts, communication or service.

After some time it becomes apparent that there are some very good suppliers, the trick is to find them before you run out of money and patience.

LUFTMEISTER - February 14th, 2015 at 01:14 PM

You could open your own business since you have the expertise :yes: OR you could drink a litre of gear oil to calm that whine down.:smilegrin: Small market + lots of players is always going to be tough. Word of mouth is your friend. Reseach+reseach. My2c

vw54 - February 14th, 2015 at 02:17 PM

Look at the Brand of parts they sell first and if they actual used and or fitted them to a VW

that will tell you a lot

landfall - February 14th, 2015 at 04:02 PM

Originally posted by LUFTMEISTER
You could open your own business since you have the expertise :yes: OR you could drink a litre of gear oil to calm that whine down.:smilegrin: Small market + lots of players is always going to be tough. Word of mouth is your friend. Reseach+reseach. My2c

Yep, could easily do that. Have previously done that many years ago with another brand of vehicle and was able to retire on the eventual sale of a very lucrative business. The secret - Good service, regardless of small unique market.

In fact my wife has suggested doing just that.], but as I also pointed out, there are some very good players out there doing the right thing.

Agree with you entirely about research+research.