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cruise down the national park
the shire bug - October 14th, 2002 at 06:43 PM

Is anyone interested in a cruise form Cronulla down through the national park. Maybe for lunch at Bundeena on a sunday.

KOM123 - October 14th, 2002 at 09:44 PM

Details details! Especially for those of us not from The Shire :)

the shire bug - October 16th, 2002 at 08:40 PM

I was thinking Sunday 23rd Nov. Metting at Wanda beach carpark, driving down to Stanwell Tops then out to Bundeena for lunch buy the water. It would be a good chance to meet fellow vee dubbers.

amazer - October 18th, 2002 at 09:32 AM

Sunday 24th maybe?

Same day as Day Of The Volkswagen... cant make it.

kombiluva - October 18th, 2002 at 03:19 PM

Would love to go for a spin through the Park!
How about early on in Nov...the first or second weekend....

I am flex, keep me posted.


the shire bug - October 21st, 2002 at 07:43 PM

Would like to do earlier but this is the next spare day for me. It has to be the 24th