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HI all
crazyoval - October 17th, 2002 at 03:43 PM

HI from the Sussex VW Owners Club,

Had a visit from TwoBus and thought I'd take the pipe over to see whats going on downunder.

Come and see us sometime at: 

penguin - October 17th, 2002 at 06:30 PM

so is what they saw about sussex girls true? (and if so what do they say?)
Hello from down here ;)

crazyoval - October 17th, 2002 at 09:45 PM

There're all Buxom country wenches!


Nice cars dudes, like the off road crew cab!

KruizinKombi - October 18th, 2002 at 09:29 PM

Pipe???? :o:thumb

G'day from Downunder mate.:D

crazyoval - October 19th, 2002 at 09:13 PM

pipe... tube..cable... Public IP network.. internet...

= sad industry slang, sorry bout that.

sort of differentiates my travel method from the usual plane to come and see Austrialia

KruizinKombi - October 19th, 2002 at 09:16 PM

Bummer, I thought it was a reference to the peace pipe! :D

penguin - October 19th, 2002 at 10:22 PM

So is it getting cold up there or what?
Was up your way in June, UK that is, and had a bit of fun travelling around to a few good VW shops. Funny though, can't figure out why some bits that are cheap here, are expensive over there and vice versa???
Ah well, S@#t happens :) think I'll go have another beer.
(no not that swill FOSTERS!!)

70AutoStik - October 19th, 2002 at 10:33 PM

Can't seem to follow your link, is it misspelled? You lucky bastards seem to have a really happening VW scene, judging by your magazines (and cars appearing in US mags.)

penguin - October 20th, 2002 at 05:18 PM

Hey 70AutoStik
the address should be 

The country code was wrong, uk not um.........


unless you are meditating................:P