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Yay my avatar works :)
KOM123 - October 17th, 2002 at 10:02 PM

Sorry got a bit excited because I haven't had one before :)

vanderaj - October 19th, 2002 at 12:05 AM

OOoh way more power!


ps. Seriously, it's the image underneath your name on the left hand side. It allows people to show something about themselves. In my case, one of my cats, which is where my Evil Powers come from.

KruizinKombi - October 19th, 2002 at 12:30 AM

I wish mine was working.... :mad:

vanderaj - October 19th, 2002 at 12:39 AM

Yeah, I fixed it... in a bad way again. No word on if it's a bug or not.


vanderaj - October 20th, 2002 at 12:26 AM

Originally posted by roadrage
how do you insert this avatar pic? i need all the power i can get.

p.s...your ginger cat is the same as mine.

Evil? That's to be expected. They even come with color coded warning markers... Gingers are extra evil, black is just your middle of the road evil, calico and tortishells look cuddly but are more your stealth ninja kittens, and of course white cats, although deaf just want to take over the world.

In answer to your question, resize an image to 75 pixels by whatever makes you happy (but no more than 75 pixels). Save it as a JPEG with Q=50 to 60. This will still look good and take up the minimal amount of space. Then follow the instructions in this thread:

Then you will be endowed with many vaunted VW powers.