Came across a 3 Panel Van in pretty original condition and all doco back to Day 1. I saw the article in last months Volksworld about the black panel
van in SA and it indicated these things are rare.
This one is a ruby red 67
to the best of my knowledge they are extremely rare, i've only ever seen pics of one or two....
was it for sale?
an extremely cool vehicle, T3d in the u.k have one
from what Ive read theyre pretty rare too. i believe there are more in australia then mast anywhere else, but still hard to find. most of the OS ones are fakes because they look so cool and are so hard to come by.
Does rarity/collectability matter?
If you like a ride get it ... if not point it to someone who thinks it is cool.
Collectors and buyers of "rare" cars DON'T BELONG in the car scene - all they do is parasitically profit from and push
up prices for people who want to drive/restore/revive a cool ride.
[Edited on 2-10-2003 by HotRodMatt]
Im not sure and Im prolly wrong, But werent they all Ruby red with a white roof? And yes they are very rare.
buy it!! I think you're right on the colour, all of them where originally white over red. Very Cool!
i kind of agree with you but i think you are being a little harsh.
i do agree about it being wrong to hoard old cars and parts for resale at stupidly high profit margins,
but i think you are not placing any value on the feeling of being the only one or one of few to have a totally unique and different rig. after all
isn't that why many of us choose to cutomise our cars - through conversions paintjobs etc???
There's some in
One in the Snowy Mountains
The Nederlands
HotrodMatt et all
My Mrs is pregnant and needs a car to ferry the baby and its stroller/stuff around. I went to look at this car because I was told it was a squareback,
which is what she wants. It was a panelvan that had windows cut in the side. Now she really wants a square not a panel van, but as this car needs
work, I was just gauging if its worth the effort or not. If I decide to pass on it, I will let you all know.
Depends if your buying one or Selling one.
Yep there RARE as you can say but so are alot of other VWs....
Depends if you really want one or another project
Jen, not that type of type3! ITs basically a squareback with no windows.
OK know it's not a Type 3 but it is a T3 Panel Van
as i understand it unlike the kombis, where there are unique structures and the panel is very different to the microbus, i believe the t3 panel is like most other panels - a wagon that they forgot to cut the windows out of ie: with the windows out how do you prove that it was a panel?
OK they are a T3D
They are very nice
Mind you I got rid of a panel van when the babies came along due to need for seats to put child restraints on
A sqback would be better cos it has the seat in the back
Harris Coffee & Tea had heaps of them in the 70s, my sister owned one of their old ones.
Type 3 panel vans are RARE and they Are Collectable.... but without windows cut into them.....
I've only ever seen them at VW shows & in VW Mags....
Certainly Different..
They are like a squareback or Variant without windows... I don't think any were made after 1969.... all early type 3's...]
they look similar to the squareback on the outside but on the inside from the front seats back they are WAY different. theres chrome and wood bits in
there !
would i love to own one YES !
was one at valla gettign some love which was good !
they are not just like a squareback without windows and its easy'ish to fix the holes cut into them as they are a rare beast to be had !
can ya tell i like them?:bounce
This is what it looks like:-
Those windows have been cut in the flat piece of the metal pressing and the important frame bits are still there.
All the wood for the rear is there!
Windows are an easy repair for a competent welder with a flat piece of metal and a little dressing up around the join. Most of the outer panel is
still there.
[Edited on 2-10-2003 by matara]
I had an idea that the article mentioned the number made, but looking at it again, there is no sign of that.. Maybe I am making it up. They don't do a hell of a lot for me, but hey, if they push ya buttons, get it..
i thnk they have potential but no body has realy realy done one yet
UMM.. i think you are forgetting something here,
they cut the windows in for a reason,
I owned a sweet windowless HJ Holden sandman for years before the kombi (its sale finaced the kombi rebuild.) The HJ looked fantastic (to me at least)
but it was horrible for vision i could not see what was going on. It sucked! driving it was stressfull!!. i cant stop smiling whilst driving the
kombi, i am only sorry i didnt do it earlier. The kombi has 360 degree vision wheras the sandy had no vision from the doors back.
i dont want to poo on your parade here, I love the look of the t3 van in the photos above, it looks hot, and and i admit the vw is alot lower so the
rear window vision would be better than the holden, but i never will own a windowless van again, and i dont recommend it to anyone. if they have done
a good job of cutting them in i would leave them in.
co-incidently i am trying to talk my girlfriend into getting a t3 square for herself at the moment, we have looked at a couple of fair examples, but
paydays are few and far between while you are at uni...
hey skewy
i thnk they have potential but no body has realy realy done one yet
havent you heard of arron britchers t3 p/v from sa its one of the best t3`s in the world and the best in aust!!
Used to drive a panel van and vision was not a problem
This was in the days of piling friends in the back on a matress and lots of pillows etc:party
Not allowed these days:jesus
Used to be so much fun
Well, guess if you were in the back vision was a problem
forgive me if I'm wrong but t3 vans where only built here in OZ and are very scarse these days.
I only remember see one in the UK at type 3 detectives.
yeah its a sweet as car but it looks stock with BRM's on it.
when i mean DO ONE i mean full on ducks guts kinda sh!t...........
Ive only heard of 2 others .Aarons is nice but a damn big call to call her the best t3 in oz.Rare?pretty damn rare if ya find one let us know.