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Astounding computer figures from ACP mag
amazer - June 5th, 2004 at 03:04 PM

number of virus warnings issued in qtr 1, 2003: 35
number of virus warnings issued in qtr 1, 2004: 232

time taken to download 1 terabyte over dialup: 6 years
time taken over new fibre optic network at SA uni: 17 minutes.

Number of Dell PCs shipped worldwide in qtr 1 2004: 7.7 million.
Number shipped by nearest rival (HP): 1.3 million.

Income earned via internet by Aust businesses 2002-03: $24.3billion.
Percentage of those businesses on dialup: 76%

File size for tech preview of WinXP service pack 2: 273MB
Time taken to download over dialup: 11 hrs 30 mins.