i am now officially single, woohoo!!!
As a long term single person, my commiserations.
However, there are good points to being single. When I can remember what they are, I'll let you know.
ummm, don't have 2 justify 2 anyone why ur spending good money after bad on a sewing machine? U can eat as much garlic as you want? No worries about the battle o' the doona cover dominance? No one to pick on u if u develop the odd love handle? No toilet seat arugments (either it's up or down, it's ur choice. hell if u really want to u can drink from the bowl ..no one will know?? jk's on last one k).... life can be pretty peachy on ur own... till u start talking to urself and head down to shops in underwear.....ummmmm....K...that's enough of the positivity stuff. The novelty eventually wears off.lol.
well, i know i'm not gonna be single for the rest of my life, but hell if I'm not gonna enjoy it while i got it! :bounce
Enjoy it whist you can. If you want to spend money on your dub , do it now!
go party
i second dannyboys comment.
spend up big now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
yeh, that's what being single is all about, blowing all your cash on vee dubs and having no one to answer to!!!
hehehe......get some tips of Jay...run a Wtd ad