Hi all Imm getting some new STD rims for my Type 3 sqareback and am tempted to put atlus white walls on it as I love the old look. But beeing a 70's
model do ya think this would look kind of stupid just after your opinions. Anyone with picks please post as i would like to see them.
Cheers Nige:bounce
Try looking on type 3 selecta, at least that will give you a picture of it.
looks ok on mine and its only a year earlier. different shape obviously.
[Edited on 31-12-2004 by bitemeoz]
[Edited on 31-12-2004 by bitemeoz]
Yer I love the early shape but I have to work with what ive got.
I just did the selecta thing it looks quite good.
Anyone know haw to save these so I can show everyone what ive got in mind.
Cheers Nige
press the print screen button when u have made your car in selecta (in the block above your cursor keys) this will create an image of whats on the screen at that time. then go into paint or whatever proggy u use and go to the edit menu and select paste. (or press ctrl + v) and then crop it so its just the image u want.
hope this works
Try again
hey.... do you have that pic in white only...:thumb
I have been out painting chug-a lug white orange and black. as in white roof, black windows an dorange under the windows. I would love to be able too
play around with it:thumb
moose, go to http://www.busselecta.com they have a type 3 selecta now
Thanks Nick,
So what do you all think.
The red will probably be just redoxide (rat style) and the rims red gloss I may even paint the bonet white.
Looks good to me
Sounds good to me. If it looks like your picture it will look good.