mines 2 get a nissan 180sx 4 a project car in the garage and use the dub as a daily driver still, or ill try 2
Mine is get a daily driver and have the beetle as a weekender. Lose some weight, save some money, stop swearing. All the usual things.... lol
u gunna take up smoking any quit again? thats a common 1 2, ppl do it all the time
[Edited on 1-1-2005 by 1stcarbug]
I'm only going to go for things I can actually achieve this year.
So, I resolve to gain 20 kilo, smoke even heavier & grow more grey hair.
Mine is a new roll cage for the buggy and a blue metal flake paint job.
mine is to have my bug a road registered and 100% legal 13bt street bug.
hehe i know its not TOOOO much to ask. hahah
but i am smasehed of my farking cnut. tahat damn tequila is hellla gioood.
man. im like staring at the keyboard to malke sure i type sht correctly. i dont thi kn its working though..
with a mate i shared a bottle of tequila,half bottle of vodka and 500ml of Jack daniel.s.
i feel seedy as. haha
but. gotta go help mate strip[m his F100 tomorrow. tjhats his project car..
FULLY SICK!!! hahaha
pepace people.
Sounds like me the other night.
I think it's now a good time to drink water and plenty of it. If you don't want to pay for it in the morinig.
yeah. i just yacked all over the floor and off the balcony.
damn...it kinda sucls. but is kinda cool.
charming... these things happen tho:repuke
my resolution is to have a better year than last year.
im pretty sure i can manage that... 2004 sucked.
also, i have resolved to do better at uni :P
Mine WILL be better & I don't have to do a thing.
After 12 long years, the child support agency can kiss my sizable arse in 52 more days & believe you me, I'm counting.
One less incompetent government department to deal with.
One of my loans is paid out in 8 weeks.
Shit, I'm gunna be $400 a fortnight ahead before the EA is signed.
New bike time I think............
[Edited on 2-1-2005 by Spook]
Mine is not to get carried away with projects and spend more time cruising to the drags .
Happy new year!
I'm with Starbuggy ...... Bring on 2005, can't be worse than 2004 !!!!!! I am writing that year off as officially CRAP .....
This year, I will be nice to myself (and others!!!). I will stop eating red jelly frogs and I will not get mad when people cut me off on the roads
..... Instead of extending a perfectly manicured middle finger at time, I will simply wave, happy in the knowledge that karma will come and bite them
on the bum ......
This year I also REFUSE to enter into the aircooled vs watercooled debate ...... no matter what anyone says about my watercooled plastic
beetle/golf/audi ripoff ..... I will also smile, happy that even during the coldest days when I turn the key my plastic engine will start, purr nicely
and my leather seats will heat up and keep my butt nice and warm !
Honestly..never made a NY resolution n never will..I'm so BAD.....I procrastinate way too much ....and think of reasons not to do things way too
Maybe if I made a resolutiuon not to do these things it would work but I'm SUCH a sceptic!!!
If I don't make one then I have not failed YET again!!!
keep shedding the kg's (14kg so far)
get a postie bike and moto bike licence,
play with the bug some more and learn some more stuff,
work saturdays with at a motor trimmers to get some experience before i give the army the flick.
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mines to spend more time talking to my girlfriend and less time on this forum........ I think I might be addicted... :duh
mine is to not make any more yew years resolutions!!
to actually get my baja looking a little more like an offroad machine instead of looking like it has an identity crisis.
mine is
1- loose more weight
2- do a bit of cosmetic work to the bug
3- have a mk5 2L sport by midyear
4- get my racing more consistant
5-mabye look at a project car/race car
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I would like to say that I won't be here on line as much and concentrate on work........but thats just utter crap !