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Anyone know this Type 3???
vwombat - January 6th, 2005 at 09:25 AM

Heya people!

This Type 3 Auto square has been on ebay for a week or so. I went out to do an inspection, but the story sounds a little dodgy, so I was wondering if anyone knows anything???

The guy reckons he took the car from a customer who couldn't pay, so now he's trying to get his dosh back. He reckons he cant find the paperwork - alarm bells ringing yet? And he doesn't want to do a test drive, 'cause it's not registered (even though he lives in the boonies).

Anyone know it? evidently the car used to live in South Oz, but it has been registered here in QLD. Any help appreciated!

twoguns - January 6th, 2005 at 09:33 AM

i think if that has happened. the guy has to hold it for 6months and show htat he has tried contact and negotiations and all other crap b4 he can sell it. so check this.
it he car has plates or numbers, you can rev check it again to see if there are any irregularities. but if he hasnt got allt he proof of sorting it withthe customer thru mediation and stuff, you wont have much chance of keeping it.

ive seen this go on with repairs of smaller items, but not cars, but i think the rules are the same.

SKEWtYpe3 - January 6th, 2005 at 09:40 AM

yeah there has to be some paper work to say he owns it, simple paper work he has to do and all the stuff said above......

vwombat - January 6th, 2005 at 09:42 AM

Thanks Mate!

The guy got all narky when I started asking certain questions, so I don't think I'll have much joy. Oh well, no hurry!

squizy - January 6th, 2005 at 09:47 AM

Has the car got a green dash by chance? If so, it may be an old Central Coast car. Don't know any other history sorry.


vwombat - January 6th, 2005 at 10:00 AM

Nah, thanks anyway!

vwombat - January 6th, 2005 at 05:16 PM

Called the guy today, and I said that a mate said to be wary about ownership problems.

He got all pissed and said "you don't want to be listening to a mate. They'll always lead you up the garden path" (somewhat more colourfully than this). Then he still expects I'm gonna fork over a grand - still doesn't want to do a test drive, and gets all mafioso on me.

So, I call the Office of fair trading, Qld Transport and REVS who all basically say that it's my risk, and they cant give advice. Jeezus! I hope no-one is foolish enough to buckle to this guys standover tactics. It might just be like throwing out a grand.

NigeType3 - January 6th, 2005 at 05:20 PM

Inform ebay and they will take it off so no-one else gets caught

twoguns - January 6th, 2005 at 05:32 PM

no htey cant give advice, as it makes them liable and that aint gonna happen. but they can advise yo of hte rules that apply and the risks.

my bet is it sounds like he is pissed at a customer and is trying to get his money. but if he hasnt done it right, you will loose both your 1000 and the car.

jonno-t3 - January 6th, 2005 at 06:49 PM

can u start it up atleast? couple of revs...check it over thoroughly...and seriously man...if its in good nick....for $1000 imo...its a good looks hot in the pics...if u wanna rego it again...simple...u dont need a story...nor a dad gave me my type 3, 3 years ago...we never thought about no reciepts or crap...came to the day of rego...went to the newsagents....bought a couple of stat deks....filled it out saying it was given to me as a present...all the vin numbers engine numbers and shit... and i got a jp to sign...most post offices will have a j.p..

went to the RTA...took it in...brought up the engine number...different person...just cleared it and put mine


Dannyboy - January 6th, 2005 at 07:40 PM

I have a similar problem to sort. Although the actual sale of the car was all above board i still have to get it registerd with next to no paperwork etc.


vwombat - January 7th, 2005 at 05:00 PM

Yeah, she runs O.K. and stuff, it's not the donk I'm worried about, it's the transmission, brakes, suspension, repossession, and/or not being able to register the sucker.

Still no bids, and I don't think I want to own a car that's been bought from such a creepy hardcore penisweevil!

I'll let it lie. If someone else wants it, fine. If he doesn't sell it and meets my requirements, deal!

Thanks for the advice though Guys!

squizy - January 7th, 2005 at 05:06 PM

I always follow my instincts. If it doesn't look right, then something is amiss. Have you done a REVS check though? If this comes up clear then it might be a possibility. Even if you get a receipt from him, doesn't that then put the onus on him? Not sure.....sounds creepy all the same. :alien
