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Who likes motorcycle journeys???
jenz58 - January 8th, 2005 at 09:00 AM

Then go see this film...or just look at some of the trailers on the site....fantastic scenery....brilliant movie and sound track.....

El Che :kiss

They travel on a 1939 Norton 500 :cool:

~air fooled~ - January 8th, 2005 at 09:10 AM

yo jenz!

went and saw it in byron bay whilst i was down there for new years...
i thought it was bloody excellent!! loved the crashes hahaha

i did the byron journey on by bike too!!!

~air fooled~ - January 8th, 2005 at 09:23 AM

it was interesting though to get a visual picture of where guevera got his passion and ideals from, really loved the movie...

hey im also reading a book writted by Ewan Mcgregor about his and a mates round the world bike trip...awesome....

koolkarmakombi - January 8th, 2005 at 09:28 AM

except Ewan had a ten person support crew

jenz58 - January 8th, 2005 at 09:34 AM

I felt the same about the movie....a great way to get the story on what inspired him..... and it wasn't done so gently...not a heavy ram a political message down your throat approach

The cinemaphotography was so good..... luved the held poses of groups and individuals....beautiful stuff

It was a nice old bike they had....nice way to travel .... very free n out there in the must be nice......I've never done it

~air fooled~ - January 8th, 2005 at 09:40 AM

yeah i feel the same, great subtle way to show his inspiration...

and bingo with the cinemaphotograpy, how farkin ace was it!!! i was thinkin the same thing about the held poses in colour and black and white, awesome...

nice old clapped out norton! haha yeah, they had heaps of shit strung on it though!! hahaha

you gotta get your bum on a bike then jenz... everyone i take for a ride on mine swears they want one... its great fun!

Robo - January 8th, 2005 at 09:45 AM

I desperately wanted to see the motorcycle diarys when it was showing here at home, but the cinema that was showing it was in Brisbane and I just could not get up there to see it before I left for NZ. The astonishing thing was that it was showing in Akaroa the village I was staying in, that has a population of 300.
I went to see it with PPL from all round the world. A welsh girl, a spanish man, and an Irish girl, and us three Australians. I couldn't believe my luck. It was a fantastic film!

jenz58 - January 8th, 2005 at 10:00 AM

WOW cool....I'm so glad you saw it....and knew YOU'D luv it... is there a road trip planned in the future for you???? ;) :D

Isn't is excellent to be surrounded by travellers??!!! I find it makes the world feel a better place when you talk and share stories...find we are all so similar but then different... and you can appeciate your own home better too cos you are seeing it through their makes it fresh :cool:

Robo - January 8th, 2005 at 10:38 AM

Not sure about the next one. I have always wanted to get out to Longreach to visit the outback museam then accross to alice springs and down to uluru. Have too see. Time and money always dictate the opportunity's

jenz58 - January 8th, 2005 at 10:47 AM

That sounds a good trip...I haven't done the outback...must get there one day...all the people I meet do it ...well I book them in on tours I feel a bit bad not having done it...but these things happen when it's your own country...we can get caught in a rut :duh

How powerful were those faces in the movie? I can still see them....

Robo - January 8th, 2005 at 11:00 AM

I think it should be compulsory viewing for everyone. It is a a real worry to see that things have not changed a great deal from those time's. There are still people suffering the same fate as the mining people he gave the money to, until greed dissapere's and the fulfillment of a moderate life become a reality I think things will never change. I think we are slowly nearing a turning point, I used to despair and ponder these things and think all was lost, but I have found with increasing frequency that there are others with the same thoughts and concerns as me, and their are others with the will and fire in their minds and hearts to do something about it. There is hope for the world if we can open our eye's and do something about it!

jenz58 - January 8th, 2005 at 11:25 AM

...yes the mining in parts over there is still an issue...lots of people still care and trying to help .... unfortunately it the governments and companies over there that are still exploiting people and the we saw in the movie these people still have amazing dignity despite their situation....we do have a lot to learn sometimes....

I've seen the same dignity in the slums of Calcutta....amazing poverty and yet these people have something we may never have ourselves...

I've seen the most beautiful faces and smiles from people in places where you might expect only sadness...they have such's their beliefs and community that give them the strength I think....maybe it's what we are lacking sometimes

Robo - January 8th, 2005 at 10:34 PM

I wouldn't mind winning the free trip either!