Well another year another Dubs. WEll done to BLBVW for the event.
dad said an awesome show will be there next year for sure!!!!!!!!
Awesome is an under statement.
More pics please.
It was an awesome day!
Great to catch up with fellow dubbers and see you all at KlubVW fest next month!
does any one know the no. of VW s ? there
I agree, it was a great day & a great event. I'm sure there was vote rigging though as our Baja Bus was voted "Dog of the Day". But
I'm overjoyed, its a trophy winner now!!!!! hahahaha
I was told it was around the 360 mark, it just keeps getting bigger year after year.
It was people's choice!
what else can you say.....:P:P:P:P:P
This was a sight to see....
Bruce highway, and nothing but Type 3's!
Here are some pics taken by Mark Griffith, I hope you don't mind Mark
Pity I wasn't there to win best baja again
Anyone got some pics of the V8 baja. I don't think unregistered cars should be able to enter the show, but I still want to see what it looked
like. The front shot there looks like a beetle.
does anyone have a video capture card in brisbane. I have video footage of the cruise as it went up the highway. But its on vhs, and i have no way of getting on a computer.
yup a good friend has a swish card with video in. If your keen I can certainly ask. Drop me an Email
V8 Baja
The Rear
VW's As far as you can see!!!!!
PS, thats all VW right up around the corner......
[Edited on 14-2-2003 by daz67]