i need some infro from the graphics people on here. a friend of mine has a website (click here
to see it) and the pictures slow it right down. i need to know the dpi the pictures should be and a rough size for them ... thanks:beer
Keep you image file sizes down to around 40 to 60 Kb for each image and limit the amount of images on each page.
I personally keep only 4 images max per page in full size.
Another strategy is to thumbnail your images, or, use a text link (short description) to point to the images that load in a new window.
Just choose the size of images you want and alter the resolution of the images to get the file sizes down to a manageable level.
Nothing pisses web surfers off, particulaly those of us with no access to a hot internet connection, more than waiting for pages top heavy with
images and graphics to load!
The KISS principle is your friend!
[ Edited on 10/10/05 by tassupervee ]