anyone on here play stuff online? anyone want a game of something?
WOW, battlefielld 2 and good old CS.
red faction, half life, shadow ops red mercury, shell shock Nam 67, tribes, NFSU, NFSU2, NFSHP, NFSHP2...... anyone......??
nfsu2, nfsu, nfsmw, cod, cod2, coduo, bf2, bf, cs, csz, cs1.6, hld
i'm a nerd :P
(they're all pirated lmao)
you have runescape as well
my son lives on WOW:vader
[ Edited on 18-12-05 by pod ]
pacman :thumb
Damn online gaming always gets in the way of building my Bus....
americas army fifa 2005
[ Edited on 16-12-2005 by bitemeoz ]
I loved that movie
^^well give me a job then!
i want to work but no one wants to employ me :P
i have my rsa :P
comeon...convert a nerd lmao
I have no idea what is going on here :duh
i have 1337 hax!!!!!!!!1one
rofl rofl lol lol rofl lol hax lmao cl_cmdrate 10000 i m teh haX0r
1 4M 1337, 4LL J00 n00|35 C4N 90 (|2Y 1|| 73h ...dunny?
^^ my bro wrote all of that, if you can read this, you need to get laid.
hahah i could read it all :P
but i always need to get laid :P
haha World of warcraft does kinda get in the way of things
Quote: |
I used to go with some of my friends to some place called web warfare.
Only ever played cs once there, was the last person left and had a deagle, shot all but one of the five people remaining, then got shot
yes yes we do! (maybe not collectively this time...though)
and nooooooooooooooooooo no-one but nerds shall know of the 1337 5p34k! you shall now be banished to the gay canadian servers area :P
WoW and bf2 ftw
[ Edited on 17-12-2005 by DoNkEy ]
Red Faction... look out for Endo...
ive lived with that brother and his leet speak for years, i still have no ideas what he's on about... becoming addicted to wow. i have a troll hunter