Anyone got any tips on how I can get this baby out of gear?
what can I start checking/testing?
I saw this happen with a kombi years ago, got jammed in 2nd.
I don't know the technical names for these things.
The selector inside the gearbox was worn to the point that it went between the rods that change the gears.
Either way, it was all in the front of the box, so the box had to come out.
This may not be your problem, but this is the one time I know of it happening.
is there a clutch mtr (ie in the car) etc or is it on the floor
You can unlock the gear train by removing the oil filler plug, then with a small brass rod (screw driver in an emergency), shuffle the gear out of
mesh. It would help to know what gear it's in.
However, check the shift rod couplings first.
It is common for the hockey stick to break, which requires the nose cone of the box to be removed. So check everything up to that point.
Give me a ring if that does not make sense 3355 7943
Thanks Grahame, ive actually been meaning to join the club for quite sometime. Just downloading the form now.
when did this happen? not from off
the truck? always good for me !
Try what Grahame said.
Had this problem in our mud racing buggy quite a few times, stuck in 3rd.
The oil filler plug is in the side of the gearbox.