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According to the Uniden web site http://uniden.com.au/v3/default.html it
seems that the 510 and 520 have recently been discontinued - although the models they refer to are slightly different to the ones you're looking at.
Can't comment about the Pearce, although I believe they're a good make. I use an old Uniden UHF, bought 2nd-hand from a mate which is as solid as a
rock and works really well.
Any specific reason you're going for AM CB instead of UHF ?
I not up todate with Uniden's newer models but I have used them for many years In 27 meg and UHF.
I am useing a Uniden UHF in May BAJA and it is very good.
I had a few Pearce Simpson CB's many years ago and they were a good radio.
I have used and sold both (in a past job), both brands are very good.
I have a Uniden 510 on the shelf, ready to go into my Baja when its finished, it will be used alongside a Uniden UHF that I have had in other cars.
As Kimbo asked, is there any reason that you are going with AM rather than UHF? From my experience, most VeeDubbers (in this area) have the hand
held UHFs for runs and shows - much clearer voice reproduction, but reduced range over an AM set....
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you will find they are all about the same ,go for one that fits the best,as the others said why am cb when nobody uses them as uhf is clearer and better for use in convoy etc,just ask any 4wder :duh been into cb radio for about 20 yrs, now only prefer uhf which i have an electrophone in my bus,and an old philips commercial at home
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