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Has anyone got a food handlers certificate?
CAFFINEPUSHERMAN - April 2nd, 2006 at 08:35 PM

quality if your eating a hot dog you deserve it you know what they put in those things:P

jeremy - April 2nd, 2006 at 09:17 PM

If you are at all squeemish don't read on.................


...........years ago I worked as a manager of a popular fast food chain that has a customer self serve soft drink machine, anyway the fanta dispensor when pressed was only drippling out a very slow trickle of of fanta so I called the service guy.

After mucking around for awhile he decided to flush the syrup line, so the line was disconected at the machine and placed into a bucket and clean water was pumped along the line to dislodge and buildup (which can happen as the syrup can be quite thick)

The line was about 30 meters long and he stared pumping water through it and it was feeding into the bucket, and then the blockage came through, hundreds of maggots and rotten fanta syrup, alot of maggots were dead and but plenty still alive. :repuke:repuke:repuke:repuke:repuke


I have never drunk fanta since that day.


VWSlammer - April 3rd, 2006 at 01:12 PM

Haaa Haaa top pic

crewcabconnection - April 3rd, 2006 at 09:20 PM

so the 57 refers to the number of bacretia on his hands then.

Vw nutter - April 5th, 2006 at 04:17 PM

If only you got to work at the GP, i did!, was paid to watch fast cars!! cant get much better than that, oh wait it can,since were on the topic of food, i did get a FREE gourmet lunch!mmmmmm!!! every day!! oh and there was No tomatoe sauce required!
u missed out Dave!