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pmg signage
frenzix - April 6th, 2006 at 07:45 PM

someone sent warb (ryan) a pmg text picture a while ago, but the gooseknocker lost it, anyone here can send it to me? i want to get some stickers made up.. or if anyone has dimensions and font etc for original pmg signage for a split , cheers , tim

ColumBUS - April 6th, 2006 at 07:51 PM

dont take my idea timmy...

frenzix - April 6th, 2006 at 08:02 PM

what idea? i have a pmg splitty that i am putting the original pmg signage back on... very original idea i have hey

ColumBUS - April 7th, 2006 at 12:47 AM

great we can have a fleet!
i'll send a pic over to you asap

warb - April 7th, 2006 at 01:04 PM

timmy, that was about 2 years ago, hopefully still a member... eps format, looked real good to..

kroozzn63 - April 7th, 2006 at 01:32 PM

paint it on like a real man! Tim then sand it back a bit like original

66NIK - April 7th, 2006 at 04:37 PM

Originally posted by kroozzn62
paint it on like a real man! Tim then sand it back a bit like original

That sounds like an offer Brendan. Can you do mine after you have practiced on Tim's.

frenzix - April 7th, 2006 at 06:25 PM

the only downside i see to painting it on is that what if i change my mind later? only the hardcore will notice

kroozzn63 - April 8th, 2006 at 03:16 PM

yeah good point , im up for it nik Tim get it to steves and well make a day of it

Rural Baja - April 8th, 2006 at 07:38 PM

can somone send me one to so i can put on my ex pmg bay panel.
email is

Cheers Will.

[ Edited on 8-4-2006 by 1963 Empi Radar ]