the dodgy bros have been at it again presenting the new empi type 3 squareback tailgate strut is there anything these blokes wont use a bit of wood
for:P:P check out previous posts such as the dakin/empi 3000 vw engine reving block of wood keep up the good work guys love ya keeping the shit (rat)
look alive :P
[ Edited on 7/4/2006 by CAFFINEPUSHERMAN ]
Can you get it in chrome!:bounce
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cool pic
i keep missing out on these coffee mornings!!
stop not inviting me!
How much for shipping?
Can I get Postal Insurance? That looks like a quality lump of timber, someone might nick it!
does it come in differrent sizes eg beetle bonnet and engine cover ,kombi doors the possibillities seem endless hope the patent has been done.
That's why I got a bunch of these made up... I only give them to deserving people.
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Yes Guys and Girls we are expanding the EMPTI range of products all the time.
But we can not release the range until extensive field research has been done
Please be patient and stay tuned
EMPTI research team / Dodgy Bros
shit doc i wanted a beter response than that are you not well .did you get the roof painted .i achived heaps today i think she is ready to go off to get rwc.:thumb
Sorry mate not enough bundy to get creative:beer
Roof not painted but garage mods have been made to transform to spray booth
I look forward to seeing "patina" on the road:kiss
who says you cant teach an old doc new tricks or a new word noice
Vw Engine rebuild kit
Ya can add this to the Empti range ...