I do understand that the front and rear windscreen of an oval is significantly smaller than later 60's models.. but what about later 60's models?
does the glass size or shape change.
I enquire as i would like to put full glass in the doors of my oval and was curious if i would have any trouble just fitting late model glass.
The windscreen & rear window glass got larger in 1958..... and was the same until 1968 in Australia...
so the glass of a 58 beetle was the same until >1968...
So can you still order windscreen glass for a '54 oval? Does it have to be fitted on the car?
Ok... but there was no "factory" full glass beofre 1968? correct?
I would keep it old school Corey
keep the look mate
An Oval windscreen is just flat laminated glass...
You may have to order it in.....
I paid $110 for My laminated windscreen for My 68 Beetle.
I did have the original Safety glass windscreen.. that shatters on impact of a large rock or something.... but I wouldn't use it....
I went thru a safety glass windscreen back in the late 60s
before seat belts..... I was picking bits of glass out of my head for about 3 years.... besides having stitchers in My forehead.....
I believe Safety glass windscreens are now illegal....
the rest of the glass is safety glass.....
Keep the original look please, its a 54 ferchrissake !
And beetles never came with 'full glass', or one piece door windows from the factory.
I thought really really old beetles from the 40's had one piece door glass?
correct helbus
52 and earlier bugs have 1 piece windows