you know those little karts people drive in on pedestrian crossings and around town, (not on roads),
caught one that was crusing past me, had a full blown wheelie bar on it!! Lol, had such a great chuckle. Would luv to see that guy go down the road at
150kmh with that thing. Lol.
THought it was champion!
what do you think he was on chris ............ nitro
its a common thing on scooters for the elderly... saves em going ass up when going up kerbs etc.
have to admit i laughed the first time i saw one too..
Do any other Poms on here remember the Sinclair C5s? Tiny little things with pedals for when the battery went flat! I remember seeing people on these things in the middle of the rush hour in London, they must've had a death wish or something!
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theres some pretty cool ones about my nans got one, The best ive seen is an old dude with one that looked like a lowrider bike with spoked wheels and white walls made me think "cant wait till i get old so i can customize one 4 myself.
tie some NOS canisters to the side :P
Hey Kombidog, C5's weren't the ones built for cripples they were supposed to be the shape of things to come!!!! The guy Sinclair was/is a clever man and came up with tons of good inventions/products but I'm afraid the C5 was the most memorable and the stupidest (if there is such a word!).
saw a classic in warrnambool once, old lady on one of these, crossing a side street, got to the other side and it wouldnt go up the kirb. she sat there in it shaking it to try to get it over then gave up, hopped off picked the damn thing up and threw it uop onto the footpath, hopped back on and rode off. priceless.
cracks me up when the elderly are cool , thats what lifes about you only live once enjoy it . if i need one of those personal scooters im going to customize it for shore . if it aint going to go fast its going to look at least fast .