Last Sunday the local VW club had a "split run" No not a run for splitties but a run going in two directions and meeting at a common point for
lunch. The waterpumpers went the long way-300km+ (plus one brave aircooler) and the others took the short route. A great time was had by all...
I guess the ABS isn't working....
What a pair!
This ain't no Toyota ad!!!
Great pics Jeremy... it was a fun day!
Oh and i did the math... my car got 10L/100km on the trip! And that was pushing her pretty hard! (Mine's the notchback)
Man that was one top day!!!!! I cant believe the 75km section that we both pushed each other over 62 deluxe. My mk4 GTI with a hot orange mk1 raceing
through the highlands would have been a good sight for anyone watching from the sidelines.
You did well to keep up on those long straights with only a four speed. I think if you had fuel injection the cut out would have kicked in and slowed
you up. Man that must have been revving
HAHA so THAT'S what you were doing up ahead...
Naughty boys.. lucky it wasn't you two that were caught!
Did i mention that i now want a MK1 Golf?? Hehehe...
LOVE ya notch Jo
Yeah, imagine if I had a 5-speed-warp speed captain!!!!!
I couldn't quite keep with your top end though. Must have been the sound barrier!!! LOL.
Top day. Still makes me grin. Naughty us.
did someone get nicked?
When we were there, and missed Jo by 20 min, there were radars everywhere.
Yeah one driver in a mk5 GTi got done. Three points etc etc
pics look sweet..
so who was the 'brave little aircooler then'
did you brave it jo?.. nice notchy btw..
n the golfs look sweet also all lined up for the shoot..
but looks a wee bit cold for qlder me.. haha
HAHa. It wasn't cold. It was a balmy 12 degrees.
Damm I didn't realise there were so many water cooled boys down there. Keep up the good effort guys.
I a lso now want a Mk 1 Golf!
Poor Jo looks soooo cold on the side of the road!
Ash x
Hehe.. i was.
And yes, i was the brave air cooler! lol
And sorry i missed you, koolkarmakombi!
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jo i l0ve ur car hehehe