My mate is at the final stage of his aircraft construction, 200hp constant speed with inverted oil and fuel. 170kt cruise with a VNE of 210kts. he
hasn't got a licence so it looks like it's up to me to have to fly this thing for him.......what a bugger!
[ Edited on 9-5-2006 by speedster356 ]
Oh such a shame having to fly that!.
Expect to see it your way Matt as he's just up at Redcliffe.
Nice. One of the guys at work has his licence to fly but alas i just been too slack. never work light aviation. the smallest thing i work is a dc9-40series.............
210kts, is that all.. if anyone wants to spew and enjoy doing it, do a flat spin in a extra 350, then a few 8g loops, i was chucking and loving it..he has not got a PPL? build it and _it_ will come! ha.., is it a 2 seater, give me a call!.. pete, i'm still enjoying all those mags, thanks again!..
I used to fly up there a few times a year for beer weekends, always had passengers at the organising stages but when the time came they all seemed to
whimp out...what's that say about my piloting skills?
Last few times I took the twin up there with just me to amuse myself.
Best trips were Syd-PMQ-LHI in a single engine. 300 nm on a heading of 090 from Port Macquarie to Lord Howe Island. Nothing but big blue.
Yup, it's a 2 seater. Did you fly in the Extra at Camden? I think there's one at Hoxton now as well.
Cruise [55% @ 8000 ft] 179 mph
nah, maitland, but that was years ago.. i was under the impression that that was the only 2 seater extra in aus?.they brought it down to gloucester
one year and had a punt while i was on a ridge soaring camp.... my first solo on a ridge.
"always had passengers at the organising stages but when the time came they all seemed to whimp out" im always happy to warm a seat..
My dad owns a couple of ex-RAN Grumman S-2 Trackers...unfortunately they are nowhere near as close to being flyable as that thing up there.
But they'll get there someday...prob with the help of HARS... someday
Every Saturday I go to the RAAFA Aviation Heritage Museum at Bull Creek in Perth where I help to restore Avro Lancaster NX622 JO-D Digger. I am also in the process of building a BD5 as a non-flying museum exhibit as a memorial to one of our cadets who died in his teens of lukaemea. I do not have a pilots licence, nor have I been in the RAAF. I just like aeroplanes and aircooled engines, 'though I'm also partial to liquid cooled Merlins and Griffons.
WOW!!!..I never realised there were so many other aviation-oriented folk around here! :bounce
i got my PPL in PNG years ago we mostly had 172,182 and 182rg's but i have very fond memories of an early grumman tiger and i got involved with the construction of an s2a pitts that was test flown by Art Schroder,he came out especially for the occassion ,the pitts was registered P2 ART in recognition of the man :beer:beer:beer
My friends father flew in S for Sugar, she recently showed me his original log book and the DFC he got during a raid on....?
I've been up to PNG quite a few times but in a boat and I couldn't imagine the different conditions you could exspect flying up there!
Where do you store the S2s?
You don't happen to have a spare drop tank do you? or know of were I can get one?
Lets borrow a PT6A-67D rated at 1100 SHP from my work and shoehorn that in the airframe and add some ballast then see how many knots she can do.
I have seen a Lancair up in QLD with a Walter turbine.....nice
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Veedub engines have been used on quite a few homebuilt ultralight and small aerobatics aircraft... If you dig up that thread about the Matador truck wreck from about a fortnight ago, there is a link to a site about non-VW Volks engine applications, and along with the matador was a nice looking motorbike and an aircraft powered by a 1200 beetle engine
tell him to fit a subaru !
I have asked about for a drop tank , nothing yet .I have a contact for you but in this area .
There is a gyro copter with a twin carb 1835 VW engine in it, in the RAAFA Museum in WA. Every time I see it I lust after the engine and think of ways
in which I could do a discrete engine swap.
While on the subject of unusual air cooled engines in our planes, We have a home built with a 4 cylinder Henderson motor bike engine in it, a
generator set with a two cylinder Douglas motor cycle engine, a micro light with a Victor lawn mower engine and a 7 cylinder Gnome rotary engine in a
Sopwith Camel replica, where the crank shaft is attached to the plane and the cylinders and propellor rotate, which means that half of the total mass
of the plane rotates. Scary!
I built a Rand KR2S, 2 seater composite aircraft with a Revmaster 2180 twin magneto/plugs. Sounds like the victor powered microlight is a Tweety? I used to have a Fuji powered microlight which was evolved from the Tweety, also another called the Pteradactyl.
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No. It's a Type 1. When stripped to its basics, no fan, tinware or generator and stub exhausts, a VW engine is not too heavy for a small plane.. That's why they are so popular. They only need a reduction gear of about 2:1 on the propellor. This one doesn't even have that.