Yep I need some 'work' home and to a vehicle. They need to be good and have the ability to show me some of their
work..............No questions asked ! I will supply the supply the talent...............the desire to incorporate a VW theme
in the work is needed.
u2u if you have a suitable candidate.
Craig t
i just dropped a bomb at work and it stinks does that count
great to see people acknowledging graffiti artists as such rather than labelling them all as vandals.
I'm not one myself... but I'm artistically inclined and really do love and appreciate some of the graffiti artworks I've seen around the place
in... grafitti can be and often is just that, an artform!
Hope ya find someone willing to put their talents to good use. :bounce
the local shop at Wareemba was having trouble with a wall and useless graffiti. They got some one and had the whole wall done.
I can find out their name.
u2u sent Craig!
Craig, give Hornsby TAFE a buzz, or pop into the local drop in centre near Hornsby station.
I can't help with the name of a good graffitist in Sydney Town, but I do know one here in Perth. He painted my buggy twice, before and after
restoration, and has painted a great abstract of a sunset over Rottnest Island on my kitchen wall. He also painted my buggy for its new owner, after I
sold it. If any one here want his name and number, U2U me.
Apropos graffiti. I like most pieces of real graffiti art, I can tollerate throwups, but I hate tagging for the vandalism that it is.
Is any of the really old "Ban the Bomb", "Pig Iron Bob" Jesus Saves, Moses Invests, Baghwan Spends" graffiti still on the walls of the railway
tunnels in Sydney? It was still there when I last used the trains in about 1980.
Give as a ring. I have a mate who works and teachers as a graffiti artist. He might be able to help.
DMOTE,PRINS.....are sydneys finest see what I can do for you Craig.These days these guys get paid big dollars but may do it as a fave...D
Give Blake a call at Killer Kustoms (02) 4722 6799
Quote: | many contacts, thanks to all.
I suppose you could always leave it parked next to Evaleigh Rail yards and hope some railway vandal will mistake it for a train carriage and paint it for free.
My new garage wall is tin clad and faces a laneway. I am seriously considering getting a couple dozen cans of paint for some real artists to do a piece on there rather than someone just slashing it.
hi Craig,
These are the details for a graffiti supply shop on King st in Newtown. I poped in there today and got you these details.
These guys sell eveything graffiti, and almost everybody in that seen gose there, the guys behind the counter well realy helpful, and they said they
could put you in contact with an endless supply of very talanted people.
hope this helps
five six seven
567 king street
02 9517 3324
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