bus that you think that cant be saved wanted badly.Resonable price paid..Im in Victoria....
i can have a peep around what you lookin for
I had to mention has to be a split bus.something old its purely for a trailer queen
Need a new project bro?
here you go..
Cool.. that would be all good!
You got it man been killing myself for selling party ice if only Id been able to get her from rhettros.Most wouldnt remember her but if anyone knows where it went I wouldnt mind gettin that baby back.but anyway you know the deal Jim winters hear got the itch...So please someone u2u me if you got something firm cos i dont wanna miss a gem..It will not be rwc a pure piece of art for the shows....
brizy makes it a little shitty.Give it a go if it pulls through real cheap this could be a goer.Mark Josh ready...
ACME is targeting project
prepare to launch
Ready! Will have to book it in with ACME though, they seem pretty busy lately.