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VWMA Issue #10
ColumBUS - May 13th, 2006 at 06:15 AM

good to see just how many aussie vee dubbers are actually contributors to this great mag.

VWMA Editor(editor) hotrodmatt (photographer) and dasdubber(writer) are among them, who else has contributed?
i have... page 28, gone APE by daniel jones, read it and tell me what u think.

Volkswagenboy - May 13th, 2006 at 10:45 AM

It's a good read Daniel.
There's also bajawes's baja on page 74 (Nice car that, I've seen it around every so often) and Jak Rizzo on page 84.
It's great to see the people we talk to here contributing to such an awsome magazine.

baybuscamperkid - May 13th, 2006 at 04:55 PM

good one daniel, had seen pics of that before but didnt know anything about it. also notices you contributed your body to one of the show photos as well. :D

boristherat - May 13th, 2006 at 05:35 PM

New issue is a great one all round. Boris even pops up in SA show report in one of the main pics. Congratulations to all contributors on a job well done.

kombibob - May 13th, 2006 at 06:01 PM

yep top issue
even my old girl made it in:thumb

Stanley - May 13th, 2006 at 06:33 PM

yep...mine too

2 oildrippers

VWMA Editor - May 13th, 2006 at 07:21 PM

Last week another picture was given to me of the APE. I'll have a scan done and post it soon.