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easiest way to bring home the bug
Starbug - May 13th, 2006 at 09:03 AM

just recently moved house and now weve got a garage (oh sweet parking!!!) and theres enough room for me to bring cherry down and give her a prime spot under the house near the workshop area...

which means she will be closer to parts and i will have more time to fix her!!

now im just wondering how to get her down here... shes got no rego, the clutch is about to go and the battery is flat... is a car trailer the best bet or should i be looking at other options?

shes parked at my parents place 100kms away...

blutopless2 - May 13th, 2006 at 09:20 AM

i would trailer it... if the clutch goes and you got no battery to turn over the motor you cant stop. if you had a decent battery in it then i would drive it depending upon what the drive is like - stop start or freeway etc..
trailer is probably best bet though.. bit more hassle if you dont have a car to tow it with tho.

bond - May 13th, 2006 at 11:32 AM

charge the battery, fill the tank, take the gamble and drive her down hehehehe

seriously but - car trailer seems the more sensible option lol

but then again - im partial to hit on 21 lol :) "live dangerously"


[ Edited on 13-5-2006 by bond ]

4ThALaStTiMe - May 13th, 2006 at 12:11 PM

I own a towing company, so I know how I would be doing it.....

Beerboy - May 13th, 2006 at 01:04 PM

if I was in the UK tut ;-) I would a frame it back

bajachris88 - May 13th, 2006 at 06:43 PM

Trailer it is a good idea. depends what ur towing it with. the caltex trailer hiring was like, $51 for 3 hrs, $100 and something for 6 i think, somethting like that.

My dad used a V6 3.8 ltr VP commodore to tow my bug home, and it didn't do it exactly with ease. it pulled it alright, but was somewaht a struggle in situations.

trailer is the cheapest method, when it comes to legal methods.

kafer56 - May 13th, 2006 at 06:46 PM

use the money from trailer hire on the new battery that you needed anyway and drive it! driving clutchless is a useful skill to have anyway :kiss

empi - May 13th, 2006 at 07:19 PM

Yes what Kafer said...:ninja:

helbus - May 13th, 2006 at 07:22 PM

No hassles with a trade tow. You don't have to find a trailer, a car to tow it with, be there, worry about danger etc.

I have moved plenty of cars and I ALWAYS get a tow truck.

Correct me if I'm way out here, but 100km may cost about $120 ?

Joel - May 13th, 2006 at 08:15 PM

Originally posted by bajachris88

My dad used a V6 3.8 ltr VP commodore to tow my bug home, and it didn't do it exactly with ease. it pulled it alright, but was somewaht a struggle in situations.

was the handbrake on?:P

i towed my ex's TRX nissan and my celica with my old 4 cylinder 2.6L ford courier and there were some pretty steep hills too and it managed

but yea if u can use a car trailier do it
not worth leaving ur bug on the side of the road and a fine in ur hands if the cops catch u


[ Edited on 13-5-2006 by DUB74L ]

LUFTMEISTER - May 13th, 2006 at 08:36 PM

buy a cheap battery.(big w $40)
borrow a friends rego sticker and plates and drive it home.
all beetle look the same from a cop car :lol:

helbus - May 13th, 2006 at 08:42 PM

What you are saying there is quite true. :lol:

4ThALaStTiMe - May 13th, 2006 at 08:43 PM

Come on HELLBUS....
Let them do it the silly way.... Drive it....
I love hearing stories about how people are going to have to spend the next 15 years paying for a misguided attempt at saving a hundred bucks.... :lol:

Joel - May 13th, 2006 at 08:50 PM

Originally posted by DUBB61
buy a cheap battery.(big w $40)
borrow a friends rego sticker and plates and drive it home.
all beetle look the same from a cop car :lol:

thats been done plenty of times LOL
got my 74 1300 beetle home with my Lbugs plates and rego sticker LOL
cept i realised half way into town the old rego sticker was still on the windscreen:o
cops would seen the holes in the floor and said WHO THE BLOODY HELL PINK SLIPPED THIS!?!


Hertz - May 13th, 2006 at 09:03 PM

No way, it has to be driven. Borrow plates, get a permit, drive under he cover of darkness, whatever. Learn how to drive without a clutch and away you go. If you dont know how to drive without a clutch then read the muir guide or ask a truckie how, its not hard. Pedal that bitch home!

Desert Moose - May 13th, 2006 at 09:13 PM

Ring a towie.....

get beer

drink till it gets there

save money, be happy and your car will be safe.

mscabrio - May 14th, 2006 at 02:33 PM

Originally posted by blutopless2
i would trailer it... if the clutch goes and you got no battery to turn over the motor you cant stop. if you had a decent battery in it then i would drive it depending upon what the drive is like - stop start or freeway etc..
trailer is probably best bet though.. bit more hassle if you dont have a car to tow it with tho.

Gee Rod, wheres ur sense of adventure ??????? Wasn't it ur idea to drive both our bugs home one from interstate and the other a 3 hour trip away when you had no idea about their condition ???????