Just got a bill for 5.5K from the tax department... looks like my split bus will be on the market.... not happy
sounds fair to me
I have no drama about paying tax, the kicker is that is because my employer didn't take hec's out. not really my fault 'cause i certainly ticked the box!
tax evasion?
Chin up mate!... sell the splitter for 10 grand, pay ya tax bill, then use the change to buy a REAL bus...ie a bay! :P
dammit... you explained it before i posted so now i look like a dick...doh!
Wait...I always look like a dick... all good in that case!
yeah, looks like i might be getting a cheap bay instead... but the split aint worth 10k!
ah ok...hehe..I was just assuming it to be a nice roadable restored regod awsome split hehe
but still..yeh.. you can prob get a ratty bay if ya look hard nuff.
work out a payment plan with those pricks keep your van
the tax man seriously needs to find himself a girl... would solve everyones problems
Or a VW
know a few people who are paying Little Johnny's tax man weekly.
I would give them a call, all they can is no, if they yes well you keep the splitty and pay off the bill/
very shortly i wont be paying his stinkin taxman... can you say cash-in-hand work?
Reality of it is i can't afford to give that much tax to the system... Im happy to pay it once im earning money but its hard when you study fulltime,
to be expected to earn enough money to get by aswell as pay tax... I mean damnit... no wonder so many people are choosing not to go to uni. Its cos
Johnny wants it both ways... "JUMP.. BY JUMP I MEAN SIT... I SAID JUMP DAMNIT" arrghhh
i'm going to uni full time, am i suppose to be paying hex as well? :o
On my tax declaration form, i didn't tick it and skipped. Am rooted if i do, cause i earn about $110 a week, and my only assests is my $2000 worth or
guitars :cry
nah you dont need to pay back your HECS debt until you're earning a certain amount of money after you finish your study i think
yeah, tis what i thought. But had me thinking twice for a sec.
Could u take a loan VSleepy to save ur bus?
HECS threshhold is $36185. Last yr it was $35000. What it will be come July? I dunno. I begrudge paying it, but its a cheap loan I guess. If I didnt
get the HECS loan I couldnt have gone to uni and I would still be doin time in the steelworks (although earning a fair bit more money) $1600 / year to
work pretty much my own hours with rarely any pressure is a good deal.
Below $36,185 Nil
$36,185–$40,306 4%
$40,307–$44,427 4.5%
$44,428–$46,762 5%
$46,763–$50,266 5.5%
$50,267–$54,439 6%
$54,440–$57,304 6.5%
$57,305–$63,062 7%
$63,063–$67,199 7.5%
$67,200 and above 8%
back to the point... bummer dude. If only you were a millionaire, you could tell them you'd pay 0.5 cents in the dollar and they would jump at it.
thanks all, just be sure and double check that if you owe hecs and/or student load that your boss is actually taking the money out or you could end up
with a big bill and 30 days to pay it in! As i've found out simpy ticking the box on your employee declaration is no guarnatee that the tax will be
taken out.