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Anyone else have trouble with hotmail?
bajachris88 - September 7th, 2006 at 09:54 PM

I neva been in this situation before. Anyone else had this trouble? anyone know what is the procedure? able to log in within 24 hrs later or something :S

Pr#%ks who had nuffin else to do but stir trouble have had a go, not kool. atleast they didn't get in, phew

warb - September 7th, 2006 at 10:01 PM

log in from a different IP .. and dont type in your password wrong form your IP ... must be an old hotmail address. i get it all the time with an old one i have, if i get the password wrong that is....

bajachris88 - September 7th, 2006 at 10:02 PM

cheers warb, will do.

how does one change there IP?

we feeding 3 computers from the one cable, don't tell telstra that ;)

bajachris88 - September 7th, 2006 at 10:13 PM

hmm, IP is hardwired with internet connection, got cable broadband. will u2u a friend.

it got me concerned first, cause the msn login, it automatically saves the password, was working this morning, but not now... :S

might have to email hotmail staff

warb - September 7th, 2006 at 10:17 PM

dont know, is your IP dynamic or static?.. i dont know cable but mine is dynamic, turn off the router for a few mins, wait for the ISP to assign my old IP to another modem and turn mine back on.. and diff IP .. but then, hotmail shits me, i just use my old address for stuff i know that will result in spam..

pod - September 7th, 2006 at 10:23 PM

Originally posted by bajachris88
we feeding 3 computers from the one cable, don't tell telstra that ;)

i`m dobbing on you:P we run 4 on our system so far

warb - September 7th, 2006 at 10:28 PM

who cares what those pricks think..... "don’t want to invest in faster internet cause its fast enough already".... where is my baseball bat.. but who do you blame?, Telstra or the majority share holder?..

bajachris88 - September 7th, 2006 at 10:44 PM

cheers warb, will play with it... it might change if i reset it.

:lol: yeah paul, telstra don't like more than one computer running off the 1 connection, but even the guy who installed it happily wired it to our router and installed the software to each computer :D hehe. Bugga the share holders! :)

Yeah, i would rather go through say my QUT account at uni instead, but that just has me worried if idiots on msn get hold of its details, they could get my password and unenroll me, and tell the coordinators they are bad words! I can agree with them doing the second thing... but not the first! Lol

My bro got a UQ account scare like that ... funny story, but not at the time :)