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I'm gonna do a "H" - Hay PAT
Fern ButterBug - September 10th, 2006 at 04:18 PM

:sandrine Good seeing you again at the RAINY, WINDY and just #$$^$^& WEATHER today at the "VW ACTION DAY".

I see you had no limp (keep it clean, all you other devo's out there) looks like the leg is mended since VALLA. However, the "WHITE LADY" looked like she was staying over this side of the river today... Ha Ha Ha

h - September 10th, 2006 at 04:53 PM

with a title like that this should be sent straight to BA... :o

Fern ButterBug - September 10th, 2006 at 05:06 PM

"H" now are you the dubber that went drove behind beetles and kombi's heading back to brisbane after VALLA? Look I'll just acted dum..... Simply, are you PAUL?

h - September 11th, 2006 at 08:38 AM

yep i kept the rear covered for possible brake downs on the way home from valla..
tis me paul.. h :crazy:

Fern ButterBug - September 11th, 2006 at 11:32 AM

:duh Ya rat bag. You know me? Hay?

Fern ButterBug - September 11th, 2006 at 11:34 AM

Originally posted by Fern ButterBug
:sandrine Good seeing you again at the RAINY, WINDY and just #$$^$^& WEATHER today at the "VW ACTION DAY".

I see you had no limp (keep it clean, all you other devo's out there) looks like the leg is mended since VALLA. However, the "WHITE LADY" looked like she was staying over this side of the river today... Ha Ha Ha

phatratpat - September 11th, 2006 at 12:26 PM

:yes: yep !! made it home alive
I just wispered to her that if she didnt go
she would spend the night on the southside !!.....:smirk:

Fern ButterBug - September 11th, 2006 at 12:29 PM

So the thought of being with us MAD SOUTHSIDERS put her into panic hay.....

:sandrineA Reminder - Make sure you read my topic on STEVE IRWIN CONVOY i posted today and pass the word around PLEASE