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toplessbug - September 13th, 2006 at 10:29 PM

State Bastards this time--re elected saturday ,payrise tuesday,i suppose they had to sober up and get to work so they could vote themselves a rise


DUB54V - September 13th, 2006 at 10:39 PM

no body cares about tha good guy main! :cussing

crewcabconnection - September 14th, 2006 at 12:08 AM

They work so hard, here's proof, they get out there and plant stuff to make your world just that little bit better. Team Beattie, best job in QLD, if ya can't beat em join em as they say.

h - September 14th, 2006 at 12:36 AM

yeah i know a few of em.. they work heaps more than me so give it to em i say..
really now it was a given the result and will be next time as well as there is 'no' opposition worth any credit here..

66deluxe - September 14th, 2006 at 07:49 AM

Yeah but how many trees did they plant that day maybe one for the cameras and as soon as the press is gone, that would be it. I had a job planting trees for the council back in 2000, my record for one week of planting was just shy of 1900 tree's, i actually got told to slow down. I reckon i should start my own party it would be "The stick it to the man Party", Cheers Damo.

toplessbug - September 14th, 2006 at 07:57 AM

there is certainly no dispute regarding the outcome of the election ,everybody has had a gutful of "smilin" pete but there was no real alternative,however to say they "work" is pulling a VERY long bow,the parlimentary secretaries do all the work and these arseholes do the collecting,they may put in a few hours when parliment is actually in session but if you look at how many sessions there are you will be shocked,the rest of the time they swan around the world or country ,depending how good they are at licking butt,at our expense studying various alternatives from the top floor of their taxpayer funded 5 star resort complex

h - September 14th, 2006 at 10:44 AM

Originally posted by 66deluxe
Yeah but how many trees did they plant that day maybe one for the cameras and as soon as the press is gone, that would be it. I had a job planting trees for the council back in 2000, my record for one week of planting was just shy of 1900 tree's, i actually got told to slow down. I reckon i should start my own party it would be "The stick it to the man Party", Cheers Damo.

hey thats already been done in the US for the 2000 election from memory..
michael moore from the 'awful truth' program ran a 'vote 1 ficus' campaign for the ficus potted plant and the plant actually beat other candidates that it ran against..
however the electoral commission over there was at a lose a what to do as a plant wasnt supposed to win.. haha funny $h!t! :lol: