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Aircooled VWs in UK??????????????
1500S - October 15th, 2006 at 07:45 AM

After all of the talk in some mags about the amount of aircooled stuff driving around the UK, in 6 weeks and near 4,500 miles, the grand total spotted was about 8 Bugs, the same Kombis and one late Fastback. One poor old Kombi on the M25 north of the Dartford Crossing had the distinction of having a fire on the right front wheel. No! Couldn't stop as I was in the wrong lane but later reports had it completely on fire and causing major traffic problems.

Looks like we see more on the roads here in Sydney! Also, most newsagents didn't seem to carry any motoring books on VW so we shouldn't feel left out here in OZ. As at home here, most of the vehicles must reside at home in the shed.

Anyone else been there for an extended period and seen much more?

DH back in Sydney and never to complain about our traffic again! It is nothing to have up to a 28 mile traffic hold up on the M25 and on the first weekend there on a trip to Barkston Heath Aerodrome which is normally 2 1/2 hours on the A1 took 4 hours plus a bit. Thank heavens our ancestors were thieves!

[ Edited on 14/10/2006 by 1500S ]

BOOMERDOG - October 15th, 2006 at 10:14 AM

the vw scene in the uk is great,i miss it, there are many shows/drags throughout the year ,as for daily drivers well weather is an important factor in the uk,winter periods see the roads covered in rock salt to combat the ice,a major killer of steel.
yes the roads are stuffed at times,i used to live about 1/2 hour north of the dartford crossing.
as for mags ,well volksworld has run for years,we also had total vw ,more recently ultra vw ,& of course the old buffers mag,vw motoring.
i'm glad i can still get volksworld & ultra vw mags here in oz as it's nice keep tabs on things.

Fireball xl5 - October 15th, 2006 at 12:07 PM

I recon there are a lot less older vw's used on a daily basis in the uk due to the weather, they are around. The stuff they use on the roads in Scotland is some weird mix of salt and other things that will burn your skin if you touch it , If I lived in the Uk again I wouldnt use the square as a daily driver.

Schmoburger - October 15th, 2006 at 12:11 PM

Yep... I wouldnt drive the Kombi in winter if I lived in an area where roadsalt was used. tis just common sense. :)

1500S - October 15th, 2006 at 04:02 PM

Where did you live Bomerdog? We were at Langdon Hills near Basildon as a base. Wasn't there for VW stuff but couldn't help looking for them on the roads. Maybe the mags are there but a bit like here, not at all newsagents. There must have been a show on for general classics somewhere around York as there were quite a few oldies including the late Fastback. Maybe have time to look up some of the shows next time !


BOOMERDOG - October 15th, 2006 at 06:31 PM

i lived near colchester in essex,we had a great cal/drag
scene going on

my mate simon from the paintbox, his missus's car

heads up racing northweald in essex last year

our crew

the gallaghers razer type 3
northweald essex drags 06

fire up lane 06 essex

[ Edited on 15-10-2006 by BOOMERDOG ]

1500S - October 16th, 2006 at 05:52 AM

So you are an "Essex Boy" like my mate over there! Is Karman Connection (I think that's the name) still down around Southend? Only along that way at night this time. All the hoons were there with their cars on Saturday night.


70Beetle - October 16th, 2006 at 09:49 AM

I have just retuned from 3 weeks traveling around England, Scotland, and Wales and my count was 3 kombis, 3 Beetles, and one Type 3 Fastback. I was surprised to see numbers I did particually in the summer time.

I also spend 3 days in Wolfsburg in Germany and only saw one aircooled Volkswagen the whole time. It was a mid seventies Beelte. The only old Volkswagens to be found in Wolfsburg were in the museums.

BOOMERDOG - October 16th, 2006 at 12:42 PM

yeah karman konnection is still there run by richie king
in southend.

rookie - October 16th, 2006 at 01:07 PM

you're never going to see many old vws on the roads back home this time of year.. or any other older cars for that matter.

the weather kills the cars. it's common sense. go back in uk summer and you'll see plenty. the vw scene is huge, but not around winter time.
