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Speeding fines in QLD
bugboymatt - October 16th, 2006 at 10:39 AM

Here's one for the speeders amongst us !!!

Mate has just got a speeding fine. Now the police officer has not correctly filled in the infringment notice. Apparently the licenence expiry date was filled in wrong even tho they copied it down from her licence.
Now she is wondering if because they have made a mistake on the form, is it invalid as it is not correct, or is she going to have to pay her dollas??
I know if info is wrong on speeding tickets and parking tickets in uk they are void but what about here ??
Just thought i'd ask for her......

Thanks guys.........

h - October 16th, 2006 at 11:14 AM

hey there,
a similar thing happened to me so i though.. sweet.. im off this ticket.. hooray..
WRONG.. :o
i contacted my local state MP who was a copper in his past life and had a chat..
he said to write a letter to the copper and their boss copper and explain what the deal is and state that as it was not filled in correctly it is techniqually invalid.
i did this n received a letter back saying that it would be 'investigated'..
so 2-3 months later i received a long letter saying that as all the other feilds of info on the ticket were correctly filled out it would suffice in court, if i wanted to take it further i could but it probably wouldnt be too successful or alikes..
the MP told me it was just a stall technique but eventually i would have to pay..
so i weighed it up n paid the fine.. eventually, good if your points are down and you need a couple of months to string it out..
blast... i was hootin on that ticket.. haha

bugboymatt - October 16th, 2006 at 01:01 PM

I'll let her know thanks man.
Not sure how many points she has or has not got!!! Might be worth if if she's a bit low to give it a go.........
I'll pass on your words...........

56astro - October 16th, 2006 at 01:06 PM

Had a similar situation.

Contacted union solicitors and they said that to prove the ticket was invalid would mean going to court.

The police would simply amend the charge, and you would have got the magistrate off-side.

koolkarmakombi - October 16th, 2006 at 01:16 PM

If she has NEVER had a ticket before, AND she was doing less than 10km over She can write to the OIC of the station to have the ticket withdrawn.

If she challenges the ticket the OIC can withdraw the ticket and issue another with the correct details!

The only details that cannot be done like this is to change the drivers name or the can rego.

bugboymatt - October 16th, 2006 at 01:21 PM

Oh well i guess she will have to pay !! Not her weekend!! Thats what ya get for not driving a veedub........ Told her, her bad mouthing dubs would get her one day !!!!

buddadubba - October 16th, 2006 at 03:50 PM

Originally posted by bugboymatt
Here's one for the speeders amongst us !!!

, or is she going to have to pay her dollas??

Thanks guys.........

maybe your friend could take a walk through the ICU ward at the Gold Coast Hospital... she will see how much you pay...

bugboymatt - October 16th, 2006 at 04:50 PM

I'll pass that on. Thanks buddadubba.

h - October 17th, 2006 at 01:05 AM

yeah no worries man.. :tu: