Sorry to share the pain but thought someone might be interetsed in the shocking sight that greeted us at a scrap place today:
Early single cab. RIP
Makes me wanna throttle somebody!.... or just curl up in a foetal position! :cry
Sure it makes me unhappy to see such a fate for an old Kombi, but what would a Ford nut think of the similar fate for an old Zephyr, let alone the
Holden lovers.
One of the tragedies that has been unfolding for some years now is that the big scrap metal dealers are systematically going around farms all over the
country to collect old metal. they are directly responsible for the destruction of hundreds of old, vintage and antique cars that should be restored,
not melted down.
I don't know that you can blame the scrappys. As a rule they are called to come & get a car out of a yard, & most do it for free. My local tip
charges for general waste, but I can dump a car free.
You don't know what condition it was in before it hit the top of that pile. There is a huge difference between what we here in Oz will attempt to
fix, & for arguements sake, what people in the UK will have a go at.
It was only 6 years ago I dropped two splitties at the tip, both beyond repair.
Public liability is the real killer. A few years ago they would have let you pick the salvagable parts off that. Now they wont let you climb the pile.
anyone seen my 67' baja at the scraps yet?
Ye a real shame:cry
The Zephyr looked good
Where was the photo taken if I may ask?
- Adam
why didn't you ask em to get it down, im sure you could salvage some thing, the badge? bumper? that door?
ive got some in nearly as good condition!