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Jobs going for Pizza driving in Annerley, Brisbane.
Midlife crisis - December 18th, 2006 at 06:33 PM

Hi Guys,

Daughter just rang and asked me to put up a post.......They are needing a driver or two to deliver pizza's in the Annerley area of if anyone is wanting to pick up some extra money give Pizza Capers a call on 38 488 488. This will suit virtually anyone as it is generally night driving.

I don't know the hours / pay rates etc, so just give Chloe or Emeline (daughter) a call at the shop. You can call anytime from 11.30am on.

Volkswagenboy - December 18th, 2006 at 06:59 PM

Pizza delivery driving is madfun! Apart from being a diesel mechanic I'm also a delivery driver for Eagle Boys (I drive my 'Eagle Bug'!)
C'mon guys, there's gotta be someone who wants a bit of extra dosh!!!
Good luck finding drivers... for some reason there's a shortage all 'round.

LUFTMEISTER - December 18th, 2006 at 07:02 PM

probably low pay vs high petrol prices may have something to do with it. plus the insurance blues:fakesniff:

Midlife crisis - December 18th, 2006 at 07:14 PM

I did Pizza deliveries and instore work for Dominoes for 2 was great!!!! Loved getting out and about and being social, the only downside were the fools (you know the ones Staggers) but you get them everywhere.

I know that they are also probably looking for in-house staff at various stores also.

Rocket - December 19th, 2006 at 04:17 PM

Happy Krimble Midwife And Wife every Piza shop is looking for drivers like Taxi jobs.

ratty 63 - December 20th, 2006 at 02:55 PM

Yep, good luck with finding drivers - you'll have no problems finding someone to do the job, but finding someone to do the job long term will be the problem ... after 9 years as a Pizza shop manager I have first hand experience! :D

I have found that we usually have an almost complete staff turn over after every 3 months ('almost' because you usually have one long term staff member that just seems to hang around and become part of the furniture)... and it's not always the fuel and insurance prices that cause them to leave - the business that I work for has delivery vehicles that the drivers are welcome to drive, but most drive their own vehicles ... I know I wouldn't drive my car if I had the choice, but.... :crazy:

It's a great job if you enjoy driving, and enjoy seeing how the 'others' live - the late night drunks and stoners can be annoying though ....

Customer: " Hey Man, the pizza dude is here ... wheres the money ... how much is it again?"

Driver: "$43.90"

Customer: "Oh.... er .... can I pay you $15 now and give you the rest tomorrow? I only have $15 on me"

Driver "No, sorry, you will have to pay the $43.90"

Customer "Oh ... Hey Johnno, do you have any cash on you?"

Johnno: "Wha?"

Customer: "Do you have any cash on you - the pizzas here and I don't have enough money"

Johnno: "Did you order Pizza?"

Driver: "Do you guys have the money or should I take this order back to the store?"

Johnno: "Yeah man heres a $100 ... can you round it down to $40?"

... or something similar. Makes you laugh though :D

I keep saying that I should be writing a book about the things that have happened to our drivers/staff - although most people that haven't worked in Pizza deliveries wouldn't believe more than half of it!

Good luck finding staff!

R :)

helbus - December 20th, 2006 at 05:43 PM

I used to have fun in the old Datto 120Y hooning around the streets not slowing for the speed humps. Just listening to music and cruising. I found the closer the house and the less pretentious the customer, the more likley I was to recieve a tip.

It was about 7 years ago, and the tips covered the fuel cost.