Hi All,
I have been looking at tinware for my 54 turbo engine and looking at the rear section on the new tin juts out quite a way and will hit on my turbo and
plumbing. I found this bit of tin in the old bits shed at my house but want to know what it's from before I cut it and do some changes. I think its
off an oval engine but not sure... anyone?
its from a 36hp engine has the cut out for the fuel pump on the side of engine
Should I cut this up to fit to my turbo engine or are they hard to get?
why not get a carbon fibre/ fibreglass mould of it - then trim the casting to suit. would look heaps sick when done!
Nick ....how would it go for heat ???
just askin??
Really want it painted steel not glass or carbon. I am building it as a certain style and the german thing isn't it. I dont have a problem with it on
the right car but it doesn't fit this ones style. Good idea though!