Well its confirmed Commodore Drivers shouldn't be on the road.
Now that my broken foot is on the mend :thumband now down to 1 crutches, normal shoes and able to drive little miss FERNY ButterBug, Don Damo and I
took a lovely drive to Byron to visit Judy Byron Bug yesterday. On the way we had a pit stop at servo coming into Tugun. On our way to hitting the
road - WATCH OUT crazy
Commodore drivers in a hurry to get to the fuel pump (we were parked in a side parking bay) she
almost hit me coming in she was in such a hurry, while we were reversing. Taking my sweet time Fern proceeds to reverse WATCH OUT
.... 'BANG' SHIT
and even more shit
. Stupid Commo Drivers
her fuel inlet is on the wrong side so lets just reverse miles away from pumps NOT LOOKING:duh and get to the right one.
Before I had a chance to prepare Don Damo to keep his cool (as Commo
Drivers are his pet and I mean pet hate
), he's out of Ferny and
into the stupid Commo Driver. Her answer, stupid women was I DIDN'T SEE YOU.... no wrong answer that just added to Damo's firery state..
Well to top it off, they were tourist from NZ and were on their way back home so GOOD BLOODY LUCK to me I say.
Damage to Ferny isn't all that bad, but now she is hurt and bent
out of place. Rear bumper drivers side bent and dinted, cheese grill bent, engine hood dinted, bars holding bumper on bent and cracked through her
Man I need a break this is getting beyond a $#%^&*(*^%$# joke - must of been some china man I hit somewhere along the line - bring on 2008.
Sorry to hear of your misfortunes! Hopefully now with all that bad karma, some good karma should be heading your way. (If you believe in that stuff).
By the sounds of it, the damage seems bad enough! That commodore must have had a fair amount of speed!
I dont think the commodore had all that much speed, just a nice hard tow ball to get in the way!
Our thoughts are with you guys, and Damo knows how i feel about commodore drivers too! :cussing
Ash n Bob
That's bad sorry to hear. That seems like a lot of damage as we had the same as when they hit the bumber it pushed the body of the car a couple of mil away from the tappet cover out repairs where around $3k + hope yours isnt that bad and I hope you are getting them to pay for the repairs. I'm sure your insurance company will look after you.:kiss
Sincerest sympathies to Ferny.
I drive my notch all the time and have had many near misses with Bommadore drivers. I also found out the hard way that you can't cut a Bommadore in
half by T-boning it with a Harley Davidson at 60kph.
I hope the insurance picks up the tab and the injuries are all ok.
- Adam
"Didn't see you?"
Some people seem to forget that the primary focus when driving should be to retain control, driving in a manner to prevailing conditions and other
drivers on the road.
Seems primary focus these days is GPS, MP3, Mobile phones, iPods, conversations, singing, fluffy dice, speed, time, agro, cruise control, faster
wipers to drive faster in rain, brighter driving lights to drive faster in fog????
Or combinations of all of the above. If you cannot have the correct primary focus - get out and walk or take the bus.
now that sucks !:puke
she couldnt see the beetle in her rear view mirrow
bet she saw Damo comming tho.....:cussing
got some rear brackets lying around here, there yours if you need them
Like the time a guy backs out of his driveway across to the other side of a wide major road with 4 lanes and into the front of our stationary legally
parked bus.
Luckily it was only a mark on our bullbar.
His explanation - "What are you doing parked on the other side of the road of my driveway anyway?"
My reply -"What sort of *&%$* cant see a &^%*# HUGE ORANGE BUS?"
He became very quiet as I told him to get out of my sight as I was no longer angry, just dissapointed. He was not going to say sorry, and therefore to
me, he was now just an insignificant crumb.
i had one today that couldnt see a bright red bug in the middle of the day, but he was a 4wd driver, my commiserations on getting hit
It must be that time of the month for idiots on the road....I got reversed into by a 4WD with a tow bar on Thursday night......He didn't see me.....Why do they say that instead of - I'm a dickhead and I don't look behind me when I'm reversing???
It's far easier for motorists to plead ignorance than stupidity. If they can't see a VW then I am truly stuffed on a motorbike. I *would* care
about "your" concerns about my exhaust being too loud if "you" would care to remove your head from your butt and notice me on the road!!
You may not see me, but by Christ, if you nearly run me off the road, you will hear me!
When that fails, you will feel me as I beat the last ounce of sense into or out of your head.:bounce
If you can't see what is around you, don't get behind the wheel of a motor vehicle (unless it is a postie bike by which case you will suffer the
consequenses for ignorance/stupidity/fuckwitness tenfold).
- Adam
"Can't see you" is an excuse. Can't feel your lifeless body is the reason for your "excuse" when you cross my path.
[ Edited on 15-7-2007 by Notch Nut ]
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There are some clowns out the!
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Hmmm lucky I drive a f*rd and it was only the median strip I didnt see last week even though I have driven around it a thousand times before.
Sometimes people just stuff up. If they dont try and drive off without paying thats all good. Yelling abuse wont get you anywhere. I've been rear
ended 3 times. First one said it was both our faults for running the red. I was only hit because I stopped. Didnt bother arguing. I exchanged details
and drove off. @nd one was a bike that flew around the corner and slid under the back of me. When I saw he was OK I waved and drove off. The last one
was a young P plate girl in her new car which wrapped around my fastback bumper. I didnt even get her story. I wrote my details on paper before
getting out of the car. Handed it to her and walked away. Nothing I yelled at her was going to make her day any worse or straighten my bumper. I left
that up to her father.
Fern. Glad the insurance is covering your misfortune.
Sorry all for the passionate rant. Had several too many near
misses by fools playing with technology rather than concentrating on the task at hand. I even dislike my missus using her hands free phone while
driving (If she is driving and I call, I make a point of keeping the conversation short and relevant.). I think my previous 2 cents may have cost me
a dollar so I'll shut up now!:jesus
- Adam
It is amazing, I work in a carpark part-time, and inside the carpark I have watched all sorts of things, I have seen 2 busses hit cars and then continue on without stopping (I was nearly crushed by the 1st 1, hd to jump out of its path, you would think the fluro jacket and wand (and the side of the van that he hit where i was standing) would have been visible enough !?) a commodore hit the side of the back bumper of a landcruiser hard enough to move it nearly 1metre sideways at the back, a 4x4 wrap its FRONT wheel around a guardrail (car on one side of the post, wheel on the other!) adn just last week a woman talking on her phone (held to her year) drive down a bus only lane, cut across 2 lanes of BUSY ONCOMING traffic then a 3rd lane at 90deg to the traffic flow WITHOUT LOOKING (sooo close to being hit) all to enter a different section of the carpark!!
We currently have 1 car in the Panel Shop due to a 4wd rear ending it when it was stationary and then disputing who's fault it is. (and don't get me started on Insurance companies). Our only car that goes at the moment is a Commodore ( so that makes me a Bloody Commodore driver.) On saturday I saw a new Audi TT ( Very nice) witha SatNav stuck to the windscreen. The guy driving continues to play with it while he drove down one of the biggest roads in the ACT for about 2klms. This was a locally registered car. My advice to him would be to learn where you are going BEFORE you leave home. All too often do I see people talking on phones, talking to passengers, etc instead of doing the one thing they should be doing Concentrate on Driving.
didnt john muir say that you should treat driving a vehicle like youre strapped to front of it...NO Protection.....i think it was his argument against seatbelts....i think it holds true for most situations
:thumb Thanks to everyone who's made comments, some of them are shocking and only makes me think - just how lucky I really am.
Basically there needs to be way way way more POLICE on the roads to get incompetent drivers who have the I dont care bout anyone but me on the road
and stuff the bloody road rules... How bout dob in a driver scheme now theres a concept.....