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carby & distributor
Bertie_64 - July 15th, 2007 at 06:57 PM

Hoping someone can help me with this!! Got a 1600 with 34 pict 3. Idles erratic & rough, have done all the usual things, n/seat, gaskets etc. but there seems to be a fair amount of wear with the throttle shaft & or bushes. Can these be replaced?
The other dilema is what to do about distributor. Had a 009 but had the usual flat spot that made it near on impossible to take off, so swapped it for a dist. off a 1200 with vacuum advance. That fixed the flat spot but now it pings under about 2000rpm.Seem to be chasing my tail & not getting anywhere! Any help would be greatly appreciated

LUFTMEISTER - July 15th, 2007 at 10:15 PM

if you are using e10 fuel you are probably getting junk from the lining of your fuel tank. put in new filters and pull your carby down and blow it out. if its pinging you either have a bad batch of fuel or are to advanced/retarded in your timing. check with timing light. good luck

kombikim - July 16th, 2007 at 07:54 AM

pre 34 pict carbs gave a very low vacuum signal , so the distributors had a very large vacuum can, proberbly approx 8cm, & had a return spring in the dissie
later vac cans for 34 Pict etc were smaller & had an internal return spring, if yo have fitted a pre 1971 or so dissie then you will be getting far too much advance