On ABC Illawarra on Monday they asked people to call in if they had done something stupid. And I think on Triple J last week they were looking for
people who suffer from foot in mouth disease. And then I see a similar thing on myspace. It was an omen. Could be a good source of humour and make me
feel better to hear other confessions.
I have a woman at work who is supposed to be a team leader. She's been there 3 months, she is bloody hopeless. Way way way out of her depth and copes
by plagiarising things and sending them out in emails as her own, renaming directories breaking links... things like that. This week I had to update a
small database app and I was having a bit of trouble. In the end after trying heaps of things she suggested including cd-ing to directories that we
both know didnt exist, i figured all I had to do was copy in all the new files but use the old original config file. So I did that and sent out the
customary email to all my colleagues telling them to ignore the dozen things that we were instructed to do and called her so stupid it was scary. Only
20 minutes later when one of my ex friends opened the email, he happened to be talking to her. Uncomfortable? Yes I am.
More uncomfortable when I got an email announcing a new programmer was about to start (replacing another who didnt even finish the probation) which
included a bit of a bio. I meant to send an email to a mate which basically said HR were a pack of morons... I have a severe dislike of HR at the best
of times. Only I forgot to change the name and replied to HR. I'm struggling to get a title upgrade and payrise at the moment. Not sure why.
aah yes, seems to be a bit of foot in mouth going around, costello, and wilson tuckey seem to have a bad dose of it, just take a panamex and it should
go away.
As confucious says, foot in mouth better than foot in arse, unless you get foot in mouth AFTER foot in arse.
As long as you can live with it.
Email is generally not the way to bag someone ..... Way too easy to trace it back .....
See, I don't work like that.
If I think someone is a f#ckwit, I tell them to their face.
It creates a very clear understanding that way.
I like it Spook.
No misunderstanding;
message sent - message received!
The problem is 56Astro that if they truly are a F**kwit the message reveived part usually doesn't happen even with such a blunt medium delivering it. LOL
a mate of mine recently sent a top secret taskforce document out to the whole organization as well as a few people who really shouldn't know about
it... When he told me about it, I laughed so hard I nearly wet myself.
thankfully his boss is very understanding.
One of our supervisors was hitting the reply to all button so often, that I got on his pc and moved it to the other end of the toolbar.
Outlook also has a message "recall" button that I have had to use myself in the past.
Quote: |
Well spook I've been mening to tell ya...
Na, its all good..
But yeah Chris I undertand how u feel. Senior at work and I were discussing personal issue (his, not mine) when we heard door opening to outside
area. We assumed it was a third officer who was expected back, but being idiots, neither of us checked. This gu kept on with his story, when the
thirs officer DID COME IN. OOPSEYS.
Turns out person coming in first was an job applicant, who dispite being given the job refused it! lol very for him. I was kewl, not my problem being discussed!
Love it Spook! How about this one, I was working in Brisbane at the PA Hospital and was walking with a mate back to my car that was parked in a street that was well known for the brothels and prostitutes. Anyway as we turned the corner up ahead there's this girl sitting on a low wall and she was none too pretty to say the least, so I said to my mate something along the lines of " You'd think a bird who looks like that would at least wait until it's dark as she won't make a cent in daylight!" Before he could answer she stood up and waved to him!! It was his sister I spent about the next few months trying to avoid him
Hahahaha.....thats gotta suck Barry....
that reminds me of a stuff up
I had just joined a new company and was sitting in with the new boss idle chatter.
Over the intercome comes "John... please call 214" in a REAL whine of a voice.
I mean REAL whine.
Anyway... stoopid me says"WOW... imaging waking up to that voice every morning" then mimic what would be her saying hello to her husband.
Boss looks at me and say "funny....after 5 years I am quite use to it" :o
Yep.....his wife. :duh
He did agree that it was a touch on the nasally side though.
Never did suceed at that company
[ Edited on 17-8-2007 by Bizarre ]
chris all i can say is work choices will be lookin after you with ya ass hangin outa ya pants lookin for a new vocation..
careful big fella.. nice one
In 1970 in Melbourne, I was working for a credit reporting company ( not Dun and Bradstreet ) when one morning the news reported the death of Sir
Arthur Rylah, the corrupt polititian and one time Minister for Police. I commented to my immediate superior that I was pleased and that we were
finally well rid of him. He was an ex-policeman and a personal friend of Rylah. I was out on the street within minutes.
I'd blown a potential directorship with the company as that was one of the promises made to get me to work there.
Many years ago we got a brand new manager at the depot I was in at the time.
This poor bastard has called me into his office for a chat.
I started the conversation with I can't stand office workers & wasn't real fond of his particular nationality, so you & I are not going to get on.
Now because of his nationality the surname was pretty unique, so I asked if he was related to such & such.
"that's my brother"
"did he ever get his teeth fixed?"
"How do you know about my brother's teeth?"
You can probably guess. Needless to say we never got on.
[ Edited on 18-8-2007 by Spook ]
There must be some kind of server setting on that outlook message recall. I tried to use it after the gaff about the replacement staffer. What it does in my office is send another email asking you not to read the first. If you click the ok button it will delete the first message without a trace. As if you are going to do that though.
Well my wife works for prolly the biggest radio network in Australia today.(there's the clue)
2 weeks ago someone sent an email out to 3 000 odd listeners in Brisbane telling them that they had won tickets to the Brisbane show(EKKA). My wife
ended up having to help fix someone's major stuff up by manning the phone and copping abuse when they were told they hadn't won. They got it all
sorted but if they had to pay up then 3000 by $22 a head equals someone working for free for a long time LOL