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ancientbugger - August 19th, 2007 at 06:11 AM

The title says it all mind you I could have started it "Fuc*ing P platers!" but last night on my way home from work in my beautiful cabriolet an 18 year old P plater driving daddies new Prado with his mates inside decided to try to do a U turn in front of me by pulling to the left then swinging right round in front of me all without using indicators or slowing down . Needless to say the beetle came off 2nd best and now all the front passenger side is wiped out. Cops were called and they nicked him for driving with undue care and for not carrying his licence then daddy turned up and gave him a bollocking and said he'd pay for all the damage but I don't think he realises how much this is going to cost! But my cab I reckon I'll be without it for months, even my missus who has never supported or shared my insane addiction to VWs was in tears when she saw the car and not only that but I've had about 3 hours sleep and now have to go back to work:mad:

FunkBass - August 19th, 2007 at 06:20 AM

Mate that is sad news to hear! I hope you are ok after the bingle. Hopefully the little shit will have learnt a lesson of sorts. If not, you should get all his details when exchanging insurance details. We could pay him a visit and when your bug is fixed you could have a nice teeth necklace hanging from the rear view mirror :ninja:

Spook - August 19th, 2007 at 09:48 AM


If the boy thinks he's got problems now, wait til they find out it'll cost more to repair an old VW than his prado is worth.

Bizarre - August 19th, 2007 at 10:03 AM

Pisser alright - dunno how i would feel or act

Reckon the little twerp is lucky to be walking :vader

kombikim - August 19th, 2007 at 10:09 AM

really really sorry to hear that

boristherat - August 19th, 2007 at 10:24 AM

My heart goes out to you. That is absolutely devastating, all because of some little arse clown who has no consideration or understanding of the consequences of his stupid actions......dicknose! I'm on the road for about 10hrs most days and see blatant stupidity far too often!:grind:

[ Edited on 19-8-2007 by boristherat ]

emma3 - August 19th, 2007 at 11:05 AM

bastards! sorry to hear that is terrible no surprise it was driven by an idiot in a prado who thinks there stupid cars have right of way sounds like he needs more than a smack on the hand from daddy.

66deluxe - August 19th, 2007 at 01:46 PM

F$%&*n Prado drivers, they are just as bad as commodore drivers, reading this post has made me very angry. I am sorry for you mate. Hope the bug gets fixed right. Another reason new driver rules have gone the way they have. If it was me i would of smacked the little shit.

[ Edited on 19-8-2007 by 66deluxe ]

kroozzn63 - August 19th, 2007 at 02:16 PM

man i hope all pans out well . :cry:cry

winerot - August 19th, 2007 at 03:19 PM

bad for you ancientbugger but at least you will get it back repaired without you forking out.
heres a good question ive allways wanted to know, when insurance are involved its the customery 3 quotes etc etc but with a car like this would you have full say in who repairs it as its a classic old car rather than insurance comp telling you where to get repaired.

Sioux - August 19th, 2007 at 03:50 PM

sorry to hear about the accident, but can we not generalise P platers as bad drivers / irresponsible / stupid.

we're not all like that fellow :no:

[ Edited on 19-8-2007 by Sioux ]

silver - August 19th, 2007 at 04:01 PM

Bloody Queensland Drivers
What a shame!!!!!

pete wood - August 19th, 2007 at 04:17 PM

so sorry mate. :sniffle:

StephenM - August 19th, 2007 at 05:07 PM

I think sometimes people get their licenses off the back of cornflakes packets.....

VWFREAK - August 19th, 2007 at 06:01 PM

Sound like the young P plater will be pulling a lot of extra shifts at Macca's for the rest of his teens to pay that off.

Live and learn.

Anthiron - August 19th, 2007 at 06:57 PM

oh no barry! glad you are ok but damn, youre right it was a beautiful car, and like you said probobly the only 79cab in australia.

definatly going to be an expensive excersise for the guy!

62ragtop - August 19th, 2007 at 07:21 PM

i would have melted the guy if it happens to me.......touch wood......

Sorry to hear about the accident.

ancientbugger - August 19th, 2007 at 08:00 PM

I was pissed off enough before it happened having to finish at 11 pm and to have to start a 7am this morning but it took a hell of a lot of self control to not hit the kid- or his mate who really pissed me off big time but I have an 18 year old son myself and tried to concentrate on that. The coppers who turned up definitely had it in for the kid even before they had heard my side of the story which I really noticed and even then thought it was a bit unfair even though the kid was in the wrong. I had to call the wife to collect me as the car's not driveable and she had my sons with her and James my eldest was threatening to deck the kid and his mate which was not the brightest thing to do when there's cops all around! Anyway I'm insured with Shannons but the other drivers' father has continuously apologised for his idiot son (his words not mine) and already told his insurers it was his fault btu I'm not taking my car back until I'm 100% happy that it's done properly. Thanks to all for your kind words and to add insult to injury I used my buggy for work today and left the roof in the was the first day we've had rain for months up here:mad:

helbus - August 19th, 2007 at 08:14 PM

Originally posted by winerot
bad for you ancientbugger but at least you will get it back repaired without you forking out.
heres a good question ive allways wanted to know, when insurance are involved its the customery 3 quotes etc etc but with a car like this would you have full say in who repairs it as its a classic old car rather than insurance comp telling you where to get repaired.

No Insurance company requires three quotes.

Most of them require only one quote - From one of their approved repairers.

It is two quotes if you want to use your own repairer, and they will have to match the other quote if it is cheaper - ie. your insurance co. pay you out and you get it done at your repairer with the money.

On the other hand, there are 'Classic' car policies that allow you to have your own choice of repairer, including yourself. You have a say in the parts being used, you can source them yourself, or even supply (sell) them yourself. If you repair the car yourself, they also pay you out, unless you can supply a tax invoice.

I have been involved a lot within the vehicle insurance and repair industry for nearly 20 years and have seen all sides from the classic cars to the 120 car per week 'Mega' panel shops.

Basically if you have a classic car policy, always get the repairs done under your policy, even if you are not at fault. This situation will (hopefully) all turn out fine.

StenGuns - August 19th, 2007 at 08:31 PM

Just be very careful every step of the way here..
The "other" drivers insurance company will definately try and value your vehicle lower than the "cost of repair". Then they will write your vehicle off based on some "assessed value". You need to defend your position from the get go.. Don't accept any offer lower than the full value to repair your car.. and if they won't budge on the true cost of repair, you can always fall back on the old doozy.. REPLACEMENT.. If they can't repair it, REPLACE IT.. They will shit themselves..
Unfortunately Shannons won't get involved in this as the "at fault" driver's insurance co will handle the claim..

Just my 2c. Mate.. Sorry to hear about this.. It makes you sick after all the effort and cash (and memories).. Good luck..

You can get a fair outcome from an Insurance company.. But expect to really fight for it.. They don't hand cash out easily..

Notch Nut - August 19th, 2007 at 08:35 PM

Hope it all pans out ok ancientbugger. There is nothing worse than some dumb idiot damaging a classic car through nothing more than ignorance and stupidity.:no:
- Adam

helbus - August 19th, 2007 at 08:42 PM

Originally posted by StenGuns
Unfortunately Shannons won't get involved in this as the "at fault" driver's insurance co will handle the claim..

Sorry Sten but that is very incorrect. Your insurance can do everything for you, with you having a lot of say in what gets done (classics policies), and then they hand the bill to the other insurance company.

All you need to do is claim on your policy and provide the at fault parties insurance claim number.

ancientbugger - August 20th, 2007 at 04:48 PM

Spoke with Shannons today and they said they will only allow the one panel shop in Noosa approved by them to repair it. On the other hand Suncorp who is the other insurers gave me two options before I spoke to Shannons both of which are reputable Panel shops but as I said earlier if I'm not happy with it then I'll kick up a right stink, either way I'll fight tooth and nail to my car done the right way.

StenGuns - August 20th, 2007 at 06:13 PM

Well thats very good to hear.. And I bow to your more immediate experience.. However it is substantially different to what happened to me in the late 90's when my 6 series was totalled..The other drivers insurance co wouldn't value the car above the repair cost and attempted to write it off.. I had to fight tooth and nail to get a replacement value assessment and then get the insurance co to cover the repair cost...

However, I stand corrected.. they are still all pricks though..

Originally posted by compayo
Originally posted by StenGuns
Unfortunately Shannons won't get involved in this as the "at fault" driver's insurance co will handle the claim..

Sorry Sten but that is very incorrect. Your insurance can do everything for you, with you having a lot of say in what gets done (classics policies), and then they hand the bill to the other insurance company.

All you need to do is claim on your policy and provide the at fault parties insurance claim number.

ancientbugger - October 11th, 2007 at 02:25 PM

Well after a long wait I got my car back today. There's a few things I'm not 100% happy with but that'll be fixed up when I take it back to the panel shop as they're still waiting on a couple of things from the US, but it's so nice to have it back. The panel shop said that Shannons were red hot and also praised Vintage veedub down in Sydney as they had most of the parts that were needed so if anyone on here has any contact with Vintage pass on my thanks. I just need to get some new running boards now and she'll be pretty as! Anyway I'm off to work now and guess which car I'm taking:smilegrin:

h - October 11th, 2007 at 02:36 PM

:mad: pee paater.. drivin with mates.. grrr, should be banned around vws on the street..
sounds like your back on the road.. :)

barls - October 11th, 2007 at 09:53 PM

that sucks mate but at least you are with shannons so it will get fixed properly, as previously said its your choice about the repair dont let them bully you.

ancientbugger - October 13th, 2007 at 07:53 AM

No, the repairs are all done, she looks beautiful, just the front bumper isn't perfectly horizontal but the rubber bumper strip is still on its way from America so when I have to take it back to be finished off I'll get them to sort out the 'sloping bumper'at the same time. Also the fuel guage isn't working but they know about that.

VWCOOL - October 13th, 2007 at 08:13 AM

Originally posted by 66deluxe
F$%&*n Prado drivers, they are just as bad as commodore drivers, reading this post has made me very angry. I am sorry for you mate. Hope the bug gets fixed right. Another reason new driver rules have gone the way they have. If it was me i would of smacked the little shit.

[ Edited on 19-8-2007 by 66deluxe ]

I drive a Cabriolet, a Prado and a Commodore... So I'd love to meet you in a pub somewhere and help you sort out your 'anger' :ninja:

Anyhow, glad you hear it's all sorted!

[ Edited on 12-10-2007 by VWCOOL ]

kroozzn63 - October 13th, 2007 at 01:06 PM

any pics of it all done