If anyone has read my post in Tech they will know that ever since an old guy gave me my bug the brakelights haven't worked. Numerous posts and head
scratchings have finally come to an end and I feel like the guy in the Crying Game after he realised his girlfriend was a man!
The old guy who owned it since new was getting a bit blind in his old age, and when he had done some work on the car the brakelights didnt work, so he
just left it as he only had a few months to live.
He had connected the brake switch power light to the flasher unit instead of back up to the fuse box, thus burning out the flasher and no brake
lights! But the tricky thing was that for some unknown reason the flasher was still working! Once I worked out that the flasher was hooked up wrong, a
new flasher unit (the old one disintergrated when removed) and following a wiring schematic, and wunderba!!!!! I have brake lights!
Thanks for all the help, I have learnt now to never trust that a car is wired up how it SHOULD be! I will now hang my head in shame and not post any
garbage in the future (maybe)
NEVER trust a previous owner
lol... glad that you worked it out in the end...
and yes you should never assume it is wired the way it is meant to be...
well done.
I laugh now, but geez it was a painful learning curve!
Good onya dude. Welcome to fixing others wrong doings !!
Glad ya got it sorted. I know how frustrating it can be when everything you do logically doesn't work. Then in from left field comes the good old
curve ball!!!
Good for you , next thing you know you'll be wiring hole cars as youve proved to yourself now it's not all that hard
I hate fixing auto electrics. Congrats on finding the gremlins:thumb:thumb:thumb.
told you you didnt need a sparky:beer
I feel your pain - I too have been there and done that.
Nothing worse than seeing what you assume is there, rather than what is actually there.
Well done on getting it sorted - Bang your head against a wall enough and eventually something will crack :duh
im sure all of us on here have done the odd thread about 'silly' fixer ups on ya vw..
dont be afraid to post away as we all maybe can learn something..
thats what this forum is also about..
glad its all good yeah..
[ Edited on 21-8-2007 by h ]
nice work mate