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How the other half live.
Spook - October 3rd, 2007 at 11:40 AM

I've said before about the bloke across the road & his mates & how none of them are short a quid.

A woman turns up at the weekend with a brand spanking Porsche. She wanted to get some groceries but didn't know her way to the shopping centre, so she took my 12 year old daughter as a guide.


#1 son nearly choked (as did I just quietly). And the sponging HE did to get a drive was worth seeing.

So when you get sick of driving your car, just let the 12 year old you met yesterday drive it.

h - October 3rd, 2007 at 11:44 AM

:duh wow.. nice lady..

The Bigfella - October 3rd, 2007 at 01:23 PM

I'd like to see her explain that to plod if he came along. We used to do it all the time when we were young - but way out in the bush.

As for generous women drivers, my ex-boss threw the keys to her XKR convertible to a workmate and I one Friday night. We took it back on Monday. Not a bad piece of kit - but I just fit in it.

dvs_vw - October 3rd, 2007 at 02:07 PM

I'd laugh if your daughter smashed it, but seriously thats not kindness, nor a lack of money but a serious lack of common sense, what a stupid woman!

Spook - October 4th, 2007 at 02:11 PM

Your not gunna get an arguement out of me on that.

dvs_vw - October 4th, 2007 at 02:44 PM

but I can't understand how you wouldn't have gone off your rocker at her, letting your 12 year old girl drive her high powered car, wouldn't you be pissed off that she let her with the risk of injury, death, jailtime....I'd have given the bitch a swift kick in the teeth!

[ Edited on 4-10-2007 by dvs_vw ]

syncropro - October 4th, 2007 at 03:00 PM

I'm a father as well, and I agree with most of that, but on the other hand, fortunately the kid made it home ok, just think she may never get the chance to drive a new Porsche again, and this could be a great memory for her.

Spook - October 4th, 2007 at 04:16 PM

A slight over reaction.

My concern was more the price of the car than the grunt.
In the end a high powered car is only dangerous if you THINK you know what your doing. When your overawed you tend to be careful. Which is why I was more concerned when my P plate 17 year old got a go.