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FOR SALE: FF&R back issues
amazeer - November 25th, 2007 at 08:08 PM

I have a crate of early back issues I'd like to sell.

As far as I can tell it is complete from the beginning to 1996 with the exception of Vol 8 # 6 (June 95) which is the issue I wanted (has my kombi in it - if you can find more, I want them) but had to buy the whole bundle. With many Aussie mags they dont like to date them, they get numbered so they can stay on the shelves for longer. FF&R numbering was all over the place. Probably a bit to do with the circulation at the time. I think it goes like this.. and these are the issues I have for sale.

#1 - #6 (from 88-89)
Sept/Oct, Nov/Dec 89
Monthly from 90-94
Vol 8 #1- #8 (1995 except #6 as stated above)
Vol 9 #1-#7 (1996)

Also a couple of rotary special editions. I'd like to flog them off in one hit. I'll let them go for $70 excluding postage or you can pick up from Wollongong area.