hey all..
yep after 6 years studying part-time @ uni and passing it has finally coming to a close
i finally get to graduate from UQ on the 17 december..
its taken a good while but got to the end in amongst work n other distractions
if you are currently @ uni hang in there as you will acheive what your after if you stick to it
yeah yeah i know you thought id finished a vw of some sort.. now where would i keep it?
cheers paul
Congratulations!! What did you graduate as???
congrats paul.
And yeah...what does the paper say u can do ???
congratulations h..
well done for sticking it out for 6 years
cheers jess and jace
one more over educated vw owner just what is needed
hey thanks guys n gals.. nice wishes
yep i have a BA majoring in Industrial Relations and Political Science..
i paid the hecs up front which was most annoying but i have no debt to look fwd to now..
thank goodness, i suppose thats why i went to work whilst studying.. many a hard day was had especially when it was assignment or exam time..
it certainly took a lot of time but i have learnt a lot along the way to which i am a happy man for doing such a task
thanks again
Congrats.............(is it just me or are the emoticons suddenly
gone all generic and budget basic $2 shop shit like?.. no spew... no bounce....basically no spirit!.......anyway)...
Hey can I borrow $20 ? I need another 6 pack o corona.......... I'lllllllllllll paaaay yaaaa baa-aackkk.. Honest