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Check out these idiots - Youtube
GTMac - December 26th, 2007 at 09:09 PM

Who gave them a licence. Money + power = stupidity :dork:

Only thing missing was a "P" plate on the rear of the RS4. Sorry to those younger members, no offence meant but Im sure you get my drift.

Dont know how to hyperlink this. Sorry. 

hellbugged - December 26th, 2007 at 09:20 PM

silly stuff, all for a rush, and for sure that would have provided some big ones.....

i hate it when someone links U-tube...........i'm gooone for hours!

not so crowded, but high speed........

a few kombis,see the audi step out in the 6th minute and the truck cut them off at 8.08 mins.......scarey!

matberry - December 26th, 2007 at 09:20 PM


GTMac - December 26th, 2007 at 09:36 PM

Originally posted by dumone
silly stuff, all for a rush, and for sure that would have provided some big ones.....

i hate it when someone links U-tube...........i'm gooone for hours!

not so crowded, but high speed........

a few kombis,see the audi step out in the 6th minute and the truck cut them off at 8.08 mins.......scarey!

Thats pretty Imprezive (sorry) from the WRX, I think the 2nd Audi showed what the 1st Audi should have done. He was bit of a wimp on the bends or the WRX driver was simply crazy.

hellbugged - December 26th, 2007 at 09:37 PM

the STI Quad bike!


matberry - December 26th, 2007 at 09:51 PM

At least they both had German cars with damn good brakes.

Joel - December 27th, 2007 at 06:37 AM

u gotta admire the deathwish those jerks have
nice driving but showing a total lack of thought for the lives of anyone else on the road when they finally do loose it and take a heap of innocent ppl out

they let young ppl drive cars with way to much power on the streets now not so much here but overseas,
check this idiot in a twin turbo 800hp supra 

thats a ticking time bomb looking for somewhere to go off

bajachris88 - December 27th, 2007 at 02:15 PM

Thats friggen nutz...

toyota pride ;)

I only found out today that i have already hit my max for mods on the ricer, insurance company won't cover me otherwise. (which is a good reason not to waste any more money on the car)

but yea, time bomb for sure. Theres no such thing as a safe hooning vehicle, you could have the best brakes and traction in the world, but you can never predict what lies ahead on the road. Even with the speed limits we have, there is always a risk involved of an incident. just takes a child, animal, debree or practically anything to be in ur way at the wrong place and wrong time, and ur a gonner.

my 2 cents worth anyway. I only had my P's for a yr and a bit, but my gollie I have had enough close calls (and THANK GOD they were only close calls) to learn a little bit of road wisdom.

dvs_vw - December 27th, 2007 at 04:44 PM

Originally posted by dumone
silly stuff, all for a rush, and for sure that would have provided some big ones.....

i hate it when someone links U-tube...........i'm gooone for hours!

not so crowded, but high speed........

a few kombis,see the audi step out in the 6th minute and the truck cut them off at 8.08 mins.......scarey!

That truck driver at 8mins in the second video needs a bullet, trying to be all high and mighty and cut them off, what a wanker!

GTMac - you post up that these people, 'young' idiots as you put it with their street hooning and racing and whatever, saying they are idiots and shouldn't have licences and its stupidity. Yet you have in your signature that you have raced and beaten Porsche Carrera's, M3's etc from the lights, don't you therefore fit into the same stupid category? :mad:

pete wood - December 27th, 2007 at 04:47 PM

I dunno what you're all going on about, I've been doing that all arvo...hang on, my mistake, I was playing need for speed. :smirk:

GTMac - December 27th, 2007 at 05:25 PM

GTMac - you post up that these people, 'young' idiots as you put it with their street hooning and racing and whatever, saying they are idiots and shouldn't have licences and its stupidity. Yet you have in your signature that you have raced and beaten Porsche Carrera's, M3's etc from the lights, don't you therefore fit into the same stupid category? :mad:

Where does it say in my signature that I broke the speed limit. I have a set of lights leading onto the freeway meaning 110km/h straight away and as I leave to work the same time every morning, I always run into the same local cars, the guy in the M3 actually nods at me now.............................thankyou, mind your own business grandpa. :grind: I save my real speed for WSID.

ps. Gold Level licence holder 10+ years. Zero demerit points ever :kiss:

dvs_vw - December 27th, 2007 at 05:38 PM

ME = grandpa? ah no, must be seriosuly mistaken! Mind my own business...its public business when its on a discussion forum and you have it in your signature, so be prepared for some flamage when you make it known that you like to street race but post that others are stupid for driving silly on the street.

and its not a matter of breaking the speed limit, you are street racing, which up here in QLD will get your car confiscated, it doesn't matter if you break the limit you are still being a HOON, which puts you in the same category!

While I'm at it though, I'm not preaching at you, I'm all for stupid behaviour as I do it regularily, I'm just pointing out that you are condeming(SP?) people for racing but you admit to doing it :spin:

GTMac - December 27th, 2007 at 06:21 PM

Yeah yeah.......................maybe I should change my signature to read, Ive just been speeding on freeway for over 9min at speeds of over 250km/h weaving in and out of cars/trucks and then maybe you might see the difference.

And I have actually checked with my mate (Highway patrol). "Technically" if your not burning tires, dangerously leaving your lane, there is no law against reaching 0 - speed limit in what ever time your car is capable of doing it even if a car happens to be next to you.

Dont know what they do in QLD, dont care!

Am I an angel, never said I was, so blow your "flamage" out your arse.

And was that your "P" plate I picked up from the side of the road the other day?

pod - December 27th, 2007 at 06:55 PM

all i can say is the people driving in them vids are dildoes,save that sort of driving for the race tracks and good on the truckie :tu:

bajachris88 - December 27th, 2007 at 08:13 PM

GTMac's on the money,

No law against how fast you accelerate.
If it was i would be guilty of it every day, and so far hasn't hurt anyone, cept my engine.

If your not burning rubber, you are not out of control, and your not exceeding the speed limit so your still in the bounds of stopping reasonably fast enough if anything popped up and in the way.

(as you know, greater speed, greater stopping distance, and the speed limit for an area is set as an average safety boundary which takes stopping times/distances into account.)

The only thing that annoys me is when you put ur foot down, and u got some tosser trying to feed their ego in the other lane who thinks ur racing him and you stop at say 60km/h and he/she keeps going like a fruit cake on speed pills. Sometimes being in a rush brings all the wrong kind of attention.

dvs_vw - December 28th, 2007 at 08:48 AM

meh whatever, you are totally missing my point so I'll just leave it for now, too much effort and I can't be bothered.

not my P plate matey, we didn't need to wear them up here when I was on them, been off the P for many years now!

GTMac - December 28th, 2007 at 01:15 PM

Originally posted by dvs_vw
meh whatever, you are totally missing my point so I'll just leave it for now, too much effort and I can't be bothered.

not my P plate matey, we didn't need to wear them up here when I was on them, been off the P for many years now!

Obviously to complicated for you to understand, but your right, I will leave it alone as well, its becoming quite boring amusing you.

dvs_vw - December 28th, 2007 at 01:49 PM

ah what the hell, I'm so immature and I just can't help myself continuing this shit stir, its just too much fun now......but be rest assured, YOU are not amusing me.....but these little fellas do!

bajachris88 - December 28th, 2007 at 01:51 PM

Friggen lmao!


Now i'm the one being amused. :D
Where did u get those lil' dudes from man? their awesome.

dvs_vw - December 28th, 2007 at 01:53 PM

off the ls1 forums, I remembered them having some cool ones, so I went and stole them.....hehe!:lol:

Joel - December 28th, 2007 at 02:19 PM

large popcorn plz

dvs_vw - December 28th, 2007 at 02:34 PM

happy to serve you your popcorn....enjoy!

GTMac - December 28th, 2007 at 06:20 PM

Geez if only the fish bit like you when I go fishing. If i knew it was going to be this easy i would have got out my deck chair and rigged up all my lines.


I was looking the Little Mermaid one but cant find it.

avwboy - December 28th, 2007 at 10:34 PM

Originally posted by GTMac

Only thing missing was a "P" plate on the rear of the RS4. Sorry to those younger members, no offence meant but Im sure you get my drift.

lol ... in all honesty , i think there is as much chance of the drivers being 30 as there is them being P's age

GTMac - December 29th, 2007 at 05:34 AM

Originally posted by avwboy
Originally posted by GTMac

Only thing missing was a "P" plate on the rear of the RS4. Sorry to those younger members, no offence meant but Im sure you get my drift.

lol ... in all honesty , i think there is as much chance of the drivers being 30 as there is them being P's age

Very true. As I dont know what its like in "QLD" I can speek for Sydney drivers on M5 everyday and 99% of the idiots have a "P" plate on the back. There are very good "P" plate drivers and very bad just as there is the same with people driving for 25 years. Some just seem to get offended quicker than others.

Anyway, keep those idiot driver Youtube clips coming. :lol:

Joel - December 29th, 2007 at 07:36 AM

heres the 2 idiots in the rental MX5 that made A current Affair
im amazed its still on there after the stink it caused 

h - December 29th, 2007 at 09:34 AM

morons.. :td:

dvs_vw - December 29th, 2007 at 09:39 AM

Originally posted by GTMac
Geez if only the fish bit like you when I go fishing. If i knew it was going to be this easy i would have got out my deck chair and rigged up all my lines.


I was looking the Little Mermaid one but cant find it.

dude, seriosuly, I'm just having alot of fun now as this has become a funny joke, but you continue to take it seriosuly and are still trying to stir the pot. If you hadn't noticed the joke side of things with the requested popcorn smiley's etc. I'm not biting, I'm just playing along with the game now....but yeah setup the lines, I'll keep playing along to keep the thread entertaining if it makes you feel better!

oooooh, got one!

GTMac - December 29th, 2007 at 10:19 AM

Originally posted by dvs_vw
Originally posted by GTMac
Geez if only the fish bit like you when I go fishing. If i knew it was going to be this easy i would have got out my deck chair and rigged up all my lines.


I was looking the Little Mermaid one but cant find it.

dude, seriosuly, I'm just having alot of fun now as this has become a funny joke, but you continue to take it seriosuly and are still trying to stir the pot. If you hadn't noticed the joke side of things with the requested popcorn smiley's etc. I'm not biting, I'm just playing along with the game now....but yeah setup the lines, I'll keep playing along to keep the thread entertaining if it makes you feel better!

oooooh, got one!

OK whats your favourite bait, youll keep biting. And for some reason you think I have been serious from the start? Easy to say for someone who started rowing the opposite way midstream.

How about you just add a good Youtube clip, that would be helpful. Thanking you in advance and yes I did like the popcorn, very good :lol:

donn - December 29th, 2007 at 10:44 AM

absolute dick heads!!!!!!!!!!!