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This is funny.....
11CAB - January 3rd, 2008 at 06:21 AM

Check out this guy 

This has just gone completely nuts in a few days. If the site is still overloaded, then check out this one to get an idea what happened.....:lol: 

teya_69bug - January 3rd, 2008 at 07:59 AM

awww man thats funny.. what a tool.. as if you wouldnt just quit while your ahead or run when youve been found out.. lol

Joel - January 3rd, 2008 at 09:51 AM

OMG that is fkn hilarious
theres one way to let the whole world know ur a total wanker thats on the South Carolina Sex Offenders website

i got onto the original thread but damn every man and his dog is reading it

ive noticed theres alot talk that it was a publicity stunt for NSXprime and alot of the facts fit

11CAB - January 3rd, 2008 at 10:05 AM

Yeah something like 1500 pages since Xmas eve...:crazy:

Joel - January 3rd, 2008 at 04:56 PM

far out i didnt realise how out of hand things like this got

there was another like it awhile ago

makes u think twice b4 pissing someone on a forum off


Yet another fool goes down in the annals of internet stupidity

In summary:

Charlie Wenzel offered to sell a spare part for his truck that he had second thoughts about for $100 and $15 S&H in a 4x4 forum. A forum member called Mike became interested, contacted Wenzel and sent him a check for $115 for the parts.

Wenzel received the check, cashed it, sent a pm to Mike and said it's $25 short because he actually meant to sell it for $125 + $15 S&H and wants him to send the rest. He then he changed his post to say $125+15. Mike tried to deal with Wenzel over PM and demanded the parts be sent because Wenzel already cashed the check. Wenzel kept avoiding him so Mike took it public.

What happened after was an ownage of unbelievable proportions. Everyone in the forum became involved and started digging everything they could find on Wenzel to try and get him to give Mike what he owes him. Turns out Wenzel has an eBay account and scammed a lot of people.

So eventually out in public went his name, address, social security number, phone number, criminal record, high school photos, parents' pictures, workplace, girlfriend photos, yearbook, you name it. The moderator of the forum is a lawyer and he pulled the lawsuit card to get him to comply if it's not resolved quickly.

Wenzel ended up sending the parts to Mike but turns out they were used parts, not brand new as Wenzel claimed numerous times earlier.

shaihulud - January 3rd, 2008 at 05:24 PM

That poor little over worked donkey. That was probably the first time it had a rest all day.

penguin - January 3rd, 2008 at 05:48 PM

Love it,
got into the NSX website and am only up to page 6 :D

Sioux - January 3rd, 2008 at 05:51 PM

a forum im a member of used to regularly pull internet shenanigans on people because of something they did to somebody (scams etc). but the owner of the forum put a stop to it after a few dozen law suits lol.

some fellow that made himself out to be a photographer got one of the members daughters to do nudie shots, then sold them to porn distributors without her consent. on the US postal service site you can send assembled boxes (not flat pack) 11 inches by 8 inches. up to 1000 at a time, to any address in the US for free.

this "photographer" got 30,000 boxes ordered to his personal and work addresses, 12,000 actually got delivered. the pictures were hilarious :smilegrin:

Wild1 - January 3rd, 2008 at 05:56 PM

My god, that guy got spanked! Great read