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Manly tan paint suppliers required.
1956ultra - April 5th, 2008 at 01:27 AM

Hi there folks my names Graeme and im from Scotland, ive recently taken ownership of a 1957 Australian Oval with the paint called Manly Tan code 7940, im wondering if any of you guys can help me with a paint retailer who would supply me with a touch up or small can.

Kind Regards

vw54 - April 5th, 2008 at 05:32 AM

if you have the formular u can get it made up over there

if u had made here shipping paint would be classed as dangerous goods and cost a fair bit

1956ultra - April 5th, 2008 at 06:29 AM

yeh i will need to keep looking for a place over here that can mix it for me, tried all day today with no success, will keep the hunt going tomorrow. cheers Graeme.

Dasdubber - April 8th, 2008 at 09:45 AM

Given the changes in paint materials etc over the years I think even knowing the forumula wouldn't guarantee a match. For example Dove Blue and Sealing wax red are two colours that never really come out the same way off the formula as they looked originally. You may be much better off taking off the tail light or licence plate light housing and getting a local paint supplier to colour match by eye. Usually costs a few more dollars but at least you'll know it is going to be the same (or as close as possible).

all the best

5PL1TDCS10N - April 8th, 2008 at 12:27 PM

Try and find a factory color from any marque if possible thats a close match. Playing with custom colors is a pain when it comes to spot repairs when you run our of paint. Go to your paint shop and look through their color swatches.