If you have failed to login recently, it's because of a security change I made a while ago. Please try to log in again now.
If you know of anyone who has suddenly stopped posting, it's because of that bug. Please ask them to try logging in again.
Technical Details
A while ago, I tried being a smarty pants and set the HttpOnly flag... for the Javascript path. The JavaScript path is used only in login. DOH!
So basically, if you have IE 7.0, Firefox or later, you could not login if you lost your authentication cookie.
Sorry about that!
I can, but in a very round about way.
I open the page on the forum itself but cant log in. However, if I go back to the home page I can log in there.
This has been like it for a month or so.
Well Andrew, after a few months of not being able to log in, it now looks good!
Currently, here in the US, the site is slower than is was before the glitch today.
But it is working.
Vanderaj Im sending you this message from my partners log in, I recently tried to change my email address whilst logged in under my user name "Hippy71" but now cant log back in, can you please HELP ? Regards Carl
I'm trying to login on my Laptop and its just not logging in. All it does is refresh to the front page(Of the forum) and i'm not logged in. I'll
play around with it... just thought it might be another glitch.
That is exactly what it was doing to me for ages! From what Andrew said, I think it has something to do with the latest Windows Explorer and the
like.... Have you had your Lappy upgraded recently or is it new?
Its new man.... seems if you try to login at http://aussieveedubbers.com it wont
allow the login. I typed in http://forums.aussieveedubbers.com and logged
in from there.. hey presto... here i am on the laptop...
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Taz you're a legend!!
I was dying and crying after what seems like forever since my VW addiction was seriously fed.
Thanks guys
Thanks for trying Andrew ... I appreciate the follow up.
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